Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Gospel of jesus Christ II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Gospel of jesus Christ II - Essay ExampleFor them, the day of the Lord is the arrival of a prognosticate political figure that could nourish their country. For them, delivery boy would not offer a Jewish Kingdom. According to (Kereszty 97) The angry reaction shows that Jesus was thus known as a normal ordinary guy among his townsfolkJews did not want a King who was not a political leader because they wanted a geographical liberation from Israelites confrontation which Jesus could not offer. When the wise men asked about the whereabouts of the King to Herod he was surprised and questioned his authority. For Jews, the Kingdom of immortal would come from a divine political figure and accepting a person outside this area was taken with confusion, fear and despise. According to Kerestzy, the love of Jesus is a humane one this means his forgiving nature even to the enemies. But this forgiving love can have terrible consequences as Jesus was tortured and crucified by Jews.2. Chr istian theologians had different views when it came to Christ as the systematic theologians believed in explicit righteousness while the commentators were on the side of the implicit deity. This belief of theologians had been creating a conflict as both had differences in interpreting the values expressed by Jesus Christ. Explicit theology is the public nature of the organized religion as in how the church practiced its rituals, sermons, mission, values and doctrines. It is more outwardly and identifiable. However the implicit theology is much more subtle and looks at the underlying concept in a religion.However, Balthasmer had a legitimate attitude towards both explicit and implicit theology as he suggested one cannot chose one to be right and other to be wrong. He was of the opinion that one need to balance on the divine aspects as the general will of God is salvation. He says that, Scriptures and Church tradition of faith can raise the fate of humanity. As per ( Catcheism)

Monday, April 29, 2019

Reflective evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective evaluation - Essay suitThere atomic number 18 quite a number of occasions when I wanted to tell to a greater extent to drive a point across, but the time allotment is not enough to allow me to do that. Another problem that rose from this is knowing what to include or omit in the presentation slides. I had to use other means of presenting data. For this particular report, I used tables extensively to give the results of my literature polish and interview. However, pictures, charts and graphs are also comm completely used in compressing more messages in a smaller space. However, it is better to have a lot to omit than having less to include. As I look keep going to how I prepared for and delivered this presentation, I now realize that it is better to come overprepared. It gives me added boost of confidence in the delivery of the report, as well as in answering questions from the members of the audience. Whenever presentations are to be given, research is vital. gettin g sufficient knowledge is required to be able to discuss the points adequately. However, sufficiency of information does not only depend on quantity, but also on their quality. This means that the information should come from reliable sources, which are experts in the field in question. In this particular presentation, I felt that I have researched many and various journal articles to sufficiently support the points that I want to drive at.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Health Systems Issues and Managements Research Paper - 1

The wellness Systems Issues and Managements - Research Paper ExampleDeveloping countries argon the shoot hit with this problem. Most of them face ch aloneenges such as lack of enough wellness worker, little financing, bad functioning information placements and lack of coordination between various agencies. The existence of these challenges in the health systems has been majorly blamed on their management. The managers have failed to tap the available resources and effectively use their management skills in planning and implementing interventions that give all citizens. This paper identifies and analyses issues (challenges) that face the health systems and gives proposed strategies to be used in managing them. Developed countries such as the unify States do non face drab challenges in their health systems as much as the exploitation countries. However, their health c be concerns revolve around three major issues. These issues include cost, quality and access (Andersen, rice an d Kominski, 2007). In the United States of America, the cost of health c be is very high and has become a preeminent issue for healthc be mangers. Since the United States moved from heavy-handed managed care, expenditures have quickly change magnitude, and the number of people who are not insured has also increased. In fact, it is estimated that about forty seven million US citizens are not insured (AFL-CIO, 2011). In addition, the population that continues to increase every year has put a dance band of pressure on Medicare. The crisis in state budget has forced nearly all states to make serious cutbacks in programs aimed at assisting the poor. These cutbacks have put Americas health care system in crisis since medical health care spending and the number of uninsured people in the country has increased (Trouth, Wagner, and Barrow, 2010). The rising cost of health care services in the United States has attracted a lot of concerns and have in the news a lot. A large portion of the countrys resources is being dog-tired on health care. The spending is not expected to go down soon but is predicted to reach 21 percent of the GDP by 2016. With this high spending on healthcare, most US citizens are still not able to access quality healthcare. Over 46 million Americans are presently uninsured even though Americas expenditure on healthcare is the highest globally (Farrell, 2009). health care accounts for more than USD 2 trillion in the United States annual expenditure. While this is the largest economic sector of the country, millions of citizens are not able to take care of their health needs and the situation is getting worse (Farrell, 2009). For the past times nine years, insurance premiums have increased therby making health insurance unaffordable to many US citizens. The speedily increasing medical bills are continuing to leave families in debt. In fact, according to the organization Health Care For All California, about one-half of all personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills. With this colossal number of uninsured individuals unable to access quality healthcare and costs continuing to increase, the healthcare system of United States of America seems to be collapsing. The healthcare system of the United States of America is financed by premiums paid for health insurance or from government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. The high numbers of people who are not insured in the country significantly increase the cost of healthcare. This is because health problems that

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Compensation and Benefit Systems n Dominos Pizza in the US Essay

compensation and Benefit Systems n half masks pizza in the US - Essay ExampleThe party chosen for this paper is dominos pizza pie as this is one of the world biggest companies of pizza pie production and delivery. The company was founded in the USA in 1960 by Tom Monaghan. Since that time Dominos Pizza caller-up became one of the leading fast food delivery companies in the world We have been delivering quality, affordable pizza to our customers since 1960 when brothers Thomas and James Monaghan borrowed $900 and purchased a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Since that time, our store count and geographical reach have grown substantially. Dominos Pizza combines some rules of internationalist blowup and development, but there atomic number 18 some most effective ones which provide the best penetration to the international markets. Compensation and derive systems of Dominos Pizza in the United States be tightly connected with its methods of international expansion . The most important parts of the system are licensing and franchising We have developed a large, global, alter and committed franchise network that is a critical component of our system-wide success and our leading position in pizza delivery. As of March 21, 2004, our franchise store network consisted of 6,878 stores, 63% of which were located in the coextensive United States. This system has doubtless advantages namely for such global international company as Dominos Pizza. The franchise system allows minimizing such negative barriers of international expansion as a talking to barrier, topical anaesthetic governmental measures and the registration of a trademark.trademark. The system also provides the adaptation of Dominos Pizza rights and regulations to the cultural differentiations of various countries. Dominos Pizza quick service restaurants in different countries are not a wholly subsidiary of Domino Pizza Company ( desire McDonalds in the UK). They are based on Franchisin g Agreement with Dominos Pizza International, Inc. A franchisee must have hold local market, business strategies and experience knowledge. Through well developed franchising system Dominos Pizza Company gains constant royalty payments which allow the company to develop and expand to international markets. The growth and benefit of Dominos Pizza is mainly provided by its franchising system development and royalty payments from numerous stores end-to-end the world. This system provides competitive compensation and appropriate benefit for the company All the other HR processes and systems, like competitive compensation, appropriate benefits and providing a learning environment, add to that (Whitney K., 2005). The company has chosen the most appropriate method of international expansion. Dominos Pizza makes franchising agreements with appropriate firms working in relevant market segments and having local market features knowledge. This mode of international expansion protects Dominos Pizza from superfluous financial cost connected with wholly owned subsidiaries. To increase franchisee compensation and benefit and support the brand image of Dominos Pizza, the company provides different kinds of franchisee supporting programs. The training course gives appropriate knowledge of Dominos Pizza functioning, its rules and policy, as well as other relevant elements of Dominos Pizza business. nonpareil of the most important moments in Dominos Pizza international expansion is franchisees attraction as franchising and licensing system is the key-point mode of Dominos Pizza international market entry and development. For attracting new franchisees

Friday, April 26, 2019

Global Environmental Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global environmental Change - Assignment Example(Tollefson, 2009, p. 29) The arctic holds an alpha place in the debatable issue of maintaining animateness on earth in a sustainable way. However, this discussion centres on the Arctic region itself and more(prenominal) precisely on depleting population of the arctic Polar Bears rather than the chain effect of the susceptible artic on the rest of the world.The last hundred years have witnessed an increase in global temperature by 0.6 full stop centigrade. (Jenssen, 2006, p. 78) Moreover from 1976 the rate is even higher and unmatchable by any time encompassing early(prenominal) thousand years. The effect of such rise in temperature is most visible through the extent of drinking glass melting in the high and mid altitude argona. In less than fifty years the coulomb has decreased by 10%. (Jenssen, 2006, p. 78) For the survival of a species, the survival of its habitat and food stock is of consequence importance. With the rise in global temperature the extent of ice pass on decline in the Arctic and so will its duration of frozen state, resulting in less area for the seals to stay and breed. Seals are the most important food source of the polar bear so any effect on their population will directly reduce the food basket of the polar bears. It has also been observed that for large mammals any alteration in global temperature affects the juvenile survival rate. From this point of view both the seal and the bear are equally exposed to risk. Therefore the bear suffers from two sides - reduced present and future food source and reduced juvenile survival rate. Again the polar bear hunts on ground (solid ice). Any diminution of ice extent will leave the bear with smaller ground to catch seals. (Jenssen, 2006, p. 78)In social movement of global climatic change the arctic ice plate has also undergone changes in terms of ponderousness and has become fractured in many places. Furthermore the ocean now freezes in l ater part of the year and all these in a cumulative way are depleting the habitat of polar bear. (ONeill et al, 2008, p. 1650).

Management Seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management Seminar - Essay precedentSOX ensure accurate financial statements by eliminating un good acts in organizations hence increasing the publics confidence in investment. Therefore, employees atomic number 18 required to report whatsoever wrongdoing for the organization to be punish by the federal government. The enforcement of the Act actually resulted to decline in financial scandals. However, 2008 financial crisis proved that any regulation is unable to reduce or control risks. Additionally, due to the cunning nature of organizations, the Act has been greatly challenged. A good number of companies have refused to go public in order, not to comply with the SOX Act.SOX are not necessary for companies because it just limits flexibility of financial management despite the stiff global competition. It too raises costs to organizations in the form of monetary expenses associated with SOX compliance. Since companies are more concerned with public image, they need no strict regu lation for them to act ethically. They often have internal controls necessary to maintain the required ethical