Saturday, December 28, 2019

Patent And Ethical Issues Lies A Gene Editing Method With...

Surrounded by patent and ethical issues lies a gene editing method with massive potential within the biotechnology industry. The CRISPR-Cas9 system works like ‘molecular scissors’ where Cas9 is an endonuclease that targets a specific DNA sequence (Griggs. 2015). This is more efficient than the previous methods such as zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), as well as being simpler to use. CRISPR-Cas9 uses single guided RNA (sgRNA) to reach the desired gene, where it is able to cleave the double stranded DNA in the presence of a Protospacer Adjacent Motif sequence (PAM sequence) (Ran et al. 2013). This is the stage where the gene can be altered via the cells own repair system due to the break in the DNA (Nehme et al. 2014). Solutions to sickle-cell anaemia, malaria and beta thalassemia are just a few of the life changing impacts this method could have in the future. CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat and the Cas9 stands for CRISPR associated nuclease nine. There are three major types of CRISPR-Cas systems and the Cas9 system is a type two system (Lundgren et al. 2015). The sgRNA used is produced from a targeting sequence (crRNA) and a Cas9 nuclease-recruiting sequence which is trans-activating CRISPR RNA (tracrRNA). The target sequence for sgRNA must be ajacent to the PAM sequence that has a base sequence of NGG or NAG (G is guanine, A is adenine and N is any nucleotide). The sgRNAShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesPrinter/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtainedRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesenvironments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource leveling 7.2 Setting a cost and time baseline schedule (1.3.5) [8.1.3] Critical chain method Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Reducing Project Duration Leadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12

Friday, December 20, 2019

Black Trench And The Eyes Wandered Aimlessly Through The...

Under the tenderness of a blanket, Raven squinted through the window at the piercing rainfall. London had a crisp air on an early December morning, and today followed suit. As Raven’s eyes wandered aimlessly through the congested area of families and business people, a peculiar man and object had slowly consumed his concentration. Wearing a black trench coat and a claret coloured fedora, the man had entered the object yet was more unassuming than a Galapagos turtle. Two minutes had gone by and Raven had been put in a perplexed standard; he was confused as to whether to be intrigued or bored. As he leant down to taste his hot chocolate, what he next saw left him bewildered. The man had vanished without a sight, as if the telephone was used†¦show more content†¦I only had two options: give up and let the Lebanese Resistance Army cuff me and bring end to this insanity or the heroic option; slaughtering my way out the Kadisha Valley, returning back to HQ with 60% more Int el and adding even more justification on why I was more deserving of the MI6 ‘Most Promising Agent’ superlative. My job was simple. Infiltrate the LRA’s HQ in order to receive intelligence on Ravhim Ruallah, LRA’s notorious kingpin. After constant war crimes, racketeering and corruption within the Lebanese government led to civil unrest in the late 2000’s. After 4 years of no known criminal activity, it was notified that Mr Ruallah had passed away. Although this is the case there have been numerous sightings between the terrified civilians refuging in the Kadisha Valley who have noted harmful substances circulating what seemed to be a radioactive facility. It was Mi6’s job to investigate, and in what better fashion than using its new prodigy to get his hands dirty. â€Å"Stop Uztaaz!† an Arabic accent exclaimed. The metal rattling from around his waist confirmed he was carrying a firearm. I smirked as an anecdote flew across my subconscious. The camouflage from my trench suit blended with the flora and fauna as I hid behind a Kadishan tree. In exhaustion my head hit the tree as I began to rest. There was a reason why the Kadisha is colloquially known ‘Arz

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bernly Normals Normality in Limbo Essay Example For Students

Bernly Normals Normality in Limbo Essay Bernly Normal was a man who caused those closest to him to rock back on their heels and say that his name was more contradictory to him than knickers on an avocado. His world was a world unknown to even those that knew him best. He walked the line between reality and insanity frequenting the latter considerably more than the former. His imagination knew no boundaries and though many may believe that this would be an admirable attribute, it was what had lead him, not all together willingly, into one of the finest and yet most chaotic situations imaginable. He was, at heart, a nice, kind and caring member of society. He frequently gave to charity and it was not unheard of for him to give up his spare time to help those less fortunate. Unfortunately, politics being what politics are in this day and age his angel-of-mercy exterior hadnt helped his image, career or self esteem to any great extent. He was, in the eyes of his parents, his employers and, if he was honest, himself a failure both romantically and economically. That should have all changed with his new position. Yes, it had improved his status and yes, it had improved his income but that wasnt what he was looking for. He was looking for recognition. The day it began, day break had come bringing with it inevitably the sound of singing birds, whistling milkmen and the petrified screams of Derek, the postman once again being attacked by Mrs. Masons Alsatian- Poppet, a dog the size of a small horse with fangs that a wild cat would be proud to call his own. Bernlys eyes fluttered open as the postman flew past his window, his screams acting as a natural alarm clock, automatically bringing life to the unconscious body lying under a small mound of bed linen. Some days he had enough energy to aid Derek in his battle against Poppet but having neither the time nor the energy rendered it impossible for him to help his friend on this particular occasion. He reached out in search of his monocle but finding nothing except the remains of last nights spaghetti managed to stir himself enough to sit up and wipe his hand clean on the quilt. Cleanliness was not one of his strong points and never had been, his philosophy being the if he left everything on the floor that he knocked over, he wouldnt be able to knock it over again and thus the traumatic experience would never have to repeat itself. In his world this logic was sound. Moreover, one must always remember that, in his world- the epitome of abnormality- nothing was ever as simple as it should be. Finding his vision blurred, once again, Bernly found himself attempting to find his monocle and, having located it, took a moment to get his bearings. He was not naturally a large man, his frame only reaching the not-quite-dizzying height of five feet. His wispy white hair shot off at numerous angles forming into strange peaks and horns, seemingly untameable. He wore his monocle in his left eye, it verging on the size and shape of a jam jars bottom. In his mind it gave him the air of one not unused to drinking the odd martini, wearing suits to dinner and having the background of English aristocracy. However, his code of dress did nothing to substantiate this. He had taken to wearing: dinner trousers, although on occasion these had been swapped for what can only be described as a lime green lycra codpiece, shirts of numerous colours and hues, a single bowtie worn to fit any occasion and sandals favoured by the nations more elderly citizens. Quite an odd spectacle to see especially walking into the security department of one of the greatest intelligence agencies in the world, but, as already established, Bernly was not one to conform to the ways of the world, indeed he was not one to conform to anything he thought as ethical or a priority in society. It was because of this that he had been chosen. They had sifted through many hundreds of unwary contenders and he had triumphed. He had beaten them all. He was the grand finalist in the saddest-act-of-the-decade lifetime achievement award. He was to be part of the future of modern science. He just didnt know yet. On the other side of town Bernly Normal was once more the centre of conversation between two men. The first was saying, Really, I dont see how we can. He would need to sign his consent and unless he is deaf, mad, blind and very forgetful that seems like a rather doubtful option. Yes, that factor would be detrimental to the whole operation, the second, one Major Hackman, explained, but there would be all probable chance that Normal would have all of the qualities listed above. In fact, one might even be pushed to consider a reward for his efforts. Something small, a new computer, or some paid holiday. We could even stretch to a promotion. Leave him to me Ill get him to sign his consent. Well make something useful of him yet. But surely he knows where he stands with the ministry. It wont work, I tell you. Hell see right through it. Weve never endeared ourselves to him to any great extent before. Hell wonder why we are now. As a matter of fact, I dont understand why we are endeavouring to soothe his ego all the while when a simple order should be called for. The second man explained that, considering nobody was willing to entrust the Bureaus security into the hands Bernly Normal, it was imperative that he should, at some point in the not too distant future, be cast out into the open world. Is the world ready for him yet was the question that was left unspoken. Rest of the poem EssayPlease mind the gap. said the lift as though none of the previous scene had happened. After you Mr. Normal said the oaf in a surprisingly polite tone. Apparently, the lift was not the only thing that had passed the scene off as water under the bridge. As the two men waited patiently outside inside the atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife. The Major Hackman sat, arms folded neatly across his lap, waiting in anticipation. This would be it, two birds with one stone. That was actually the name of it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Operation Two Birds. If the operation was carried out successfully then they would both rid themselves of that fool Normal, and they would be able to test their latest design. They had called it the Hobble- named after the designer who suffered from a limp. This Hobble would be able to transport people back in time and allow scientists to investigate the answers to numerous questions. Was Darwins theory correct? Was it a big bang or just a small pop? Who first invented the u-bend? It would be scientific history. But before they began they needed to crash dummy. This is where Bernly Normal fitted into Hackmans great plan. As if on cue there was a tap on the door and the oaf, otherwise known as Eliot, walked in, Bernly at his side. Hello, gvnor. I brung im. Here e is. Right as rain. thank you Eliot. Thatll be all. How he loathed pandering to that eighteen stone muscle head when needs must, needs must. It was essential that he had that buffoons support Welcome Mr. Normal. Do have a seat. May I call Bernly? You cn call me what ye want, but me mother alwees preferred oi yoo' It sent shivers down Hackmans spine, that unmistakable sound of a Scottish land boy. This was supposed to be Englands elite not the free for all knees up. Needs must Hackman explained to Bernly about the Hobble. He was quick to cut o the chase and eager to get on with the proceedings though he spent considerable time padding out Bernlys ego- he suspected that when reality hit it would be with a crash landing. Bernly felt his insides hollow out. What replaced his vital organs seemed like a whole menagerie of butterflies. He looked towards the door which was being safe guarded by Elliot the oaf. There seemed no way out. He would take part in the mission or forever hold his peace. Unfortunately, he suspected that it wouldnt be his choice to hold his peace but death which forced him to. -so you see, Hackman concluded, you have been chosen from thousands of applicants to see our world transported into a new era. One small step for man blah blah blah! All thats needed now is your consent and we are ready to begin. No training is needed. Well just pop you into the seventeenth century and back out again. All you have to do is say if it worked and you can go home knowing that you played the major role in the musical of the future. What do you think? Bernly gulped. He looked from Elliot to Hackman and then back to Elliot again, who by now was standing imitating the noose being tightened around his neck. Where do I sign? he asked mustering up all the effort he could to look willing and eager to help. Once the formalities were out of the way, He was lead straight to Hobble room. It stood in all its glory, looking like something of a cross between a tin can and a washing machine, the sight filled Bernly with the kind of dread a kamikaze pilot must feel when hit let go of the steering wheel. It had wire hanging out of it numerous buttons and gadgets which looked ominous, especially to someone who hasnt had a crash course in time travel. It took them no time at all to get him strapped in. A small bicycle helmet was perched on the top of his head and the lid of the oversized bean tin closed. Thats when he heard them, the unmistakable sound of hooves. He couldnt see them, not yet but in time they would appear. He knew this because hed been visited by them before. They only came when something was about to go unstoppably wrong. There was a flash of light, the sound of lightening, striking fear into the marrow of Bernlys bones and then he saw them. At first he had thought that it was the fourth horseman of the apocalypse but upon closer inspection he discovered that it was in, fact, a knight riding upon a great orange donkey with a tousled mane. He had come to know them so well in the past that he had given them both names. The knight he had called Destruction and the beast upon which he rode was named Disaster. For as Bernly Normal knew only too well, where Disaster walked, or in this case trotted, Destruction was never far behindà ¢

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategic Information System Making Connections

Question: Describe about the Report about Strategic Information System for Making Connections. Answer: Introduction The Company Citizen Gas is stated as one of the largest distributing and domestic gas supplies organization in the country United State. They are also in the business operation activities of providing commercial and industrial gas supply process. This company is also facing several difficulties during their business operations due to fluctuation in the market regarding demand and supply of gas services in United State. As per the above mentioned scenarios, Citizen Gas Company is working on their service improvement activities in terms of providing better gas supply and enhances the demand in the domestic market by considering different market conditions and scenarios. The overall business analysis of the company is showing that gas consumption of consumers in United State has been increases in the winter season whereas companys total supply of gas is lowest at that point of time, which is creating difficulties in supply chain management and their distribution cycle (Citizensenergygro 2016). The company Citizen Gas basically outsource their gas product from the different pipeline enterprises on the basis of contractual basis. Also as per the demand of consumers in the market, they keep their gas storage in their factory storage. This supply chain management process handle by the company majorly influence the gas pipeline planning need to be considered by the Citizen Gas Company in future period of time. The company is also planning to reduce the constraints between products demand and their supply within a specified period of time. According to the situation analysis, it is found that if company is able to handle the process of their demand and supply of gas products in domestic market will create the beneficial scenario in the economy. Due to mismanagement in the supply chain management of the organization is showing that when demand of consumers are high in market, the supply of gas product is low, so company is unable to fulfil the appropriate demand of products for industrial and commercial consumers at the same, which is leading the company towards losses. Company has been appointed a director, who is responsible for all kind of corporate planning to meet the demand and supply of their gas product in the market of United State ( 2016). The main aim and objective behind this particular project report is to recognise and measure the level of problems and also provide appropriate solution to manage and enhance their business processes. The business report will be mainly focus on new demand and supply system introduces by the company in terms of preparation of appropriate monthly sheet with the support of systematic decision making process within a specified period of time. Company background Citizen Gas Company is one of the largest Gas supplies company in United States producing natural gas has been established in the financial year 1887. This company was initially operated by public charitable trust for the benefits of market consumers and society. The main business activity of the company is engaged with domestic consumers, who are utilizes natural gas for their household activities, industrial usage and commercial purposes as well. As per the given database, it is showing that company is holding maximum number of market share due to day by day enhancement in their household consumer supplies. This Gas service supplies companys database is showing that they are having more than 2 lakh customer base, in which 1 lakh, 60 thousand consumers are domestic and household user of their gas supplies. There are also 2,000 industrial and 38,000 commercial customer base holds by the Citizen Gas Company in the recent period of time. The consumption level of gas supplies is measure d highest for the household consumers. The actual vision of the company is shown that fulfil the promise of the Trust to serve our customers and communities with unparalleled excellence and integrity ( 2016). The overall supply chain management activities of the company is providing reliable services to their target consumers with proper management scenario. Structure of the company The overall organizational structure of the company is highly synchronized and structure for enhancement of business processes by focusing on the functional aspects retain by the company. The company is under maintenance of charitable trust and there is no such interference for the business functions operated by the company with a specified period of time. The appointed Chief Executive Officer of the company is also handling processes of some other organization at the same time with Citizen Gas Company, who is handling the entire operational activities and business processes of the company ( 2016). There are different department which is comes under operational department of the company Citizen Gas Company are sales and distribution, marketing and PR department, Human resource department and finance and accounts department. There are different department directors are hired to report the Chief Executive Officer of the company regarding all the business operatio ns performed by company within a specified financial period. The organizational structure of the company is organized in simple structure and proper organizational hierarchy ( 2016). The appointed managers in each department of the company is efficiently manage the responsibility towards their team performance as per the managing the operations of different departments. Figure 1: Organizational Structure of Citizen Gas Company(Source: 2016) Business scope for CGC Citizen Gas Company is basically associate with business operation of natural gas segment and their customer service activities is popular enough in the local market. They have higher number of residential gas supply services but on the other hand, they are not capable enough to capture enough commercial and industrial segments for their customer segments. Citizen Gas Company is getting supplies from 5 pipeline companies for natural gas products. There are not such production activities done by the company to fulfil their customer services rather than gas supplies from other merchant companies. They are also facing huge problem while fulfilling demand of customers within particular period of time. Due to no production and less supply chain from merchant pipeline companies Citizen Gas Company is unable to supply commercial and industrial segment of customers, which is created huge losses for business operation activities. They are not capable enough to generate desired revenue from th e supply activities (Attaran and Attaran 2012). According to overall business analysis of the company, it is showing that company Citizen Gas is having higher scope of growth in economy by establishing their own gas pipeline and resource storage for instant natural gas supply to their potential and active customers. Citizen Gas Company is capable enough to properly plan and organize the storage facilities to properly handle the business operations by compensating the forecasted demand and supplies of their targeted customers. Figure 2: Current operational system of CGC for gas supplies Current Pipeline system of Citizen Gas Company (CGC) The recent gas pipeline system of the company Citizen Gas is divided into three different supply levels; purchasing gas from merchant companies, keeping storage services and also direct supply of natural gas to their targeted customers. The level one is followed by the company regarding purchase of gas products. They have also made contracts with another 5 gas pipeline company for next 5 to 15 years period of time. These supplies companies are also bound with contract to provide their gas storage facilities to Citizen Gas Company for contracted period of time. Some of the merchant companies are also bound with contract to provide fixed amount of gas production, if company will pay proper amount of money to their merchant companies (Poompipatpong and Ho 2013). These payment activities of company are causes losses for Citizen Gas Company at the time, when demand for gas is less and supply is huge from the contracted merchant companies. The second level of collection of resource for the company Citizen Gas is to keep their own storage facilities for supplying gas to their potential and active customers. This company is also facing problem while maintaining the product stock for fulfilment of their customers demand. Citizen gas can keep the gas products in storage by collecting natural gas products from their merchant companies. The third level is providing supplies of natural gas products to their targeted customers (Chen and Baldick 2011). Company is always planning their supply of products from different pipeline companies on the basis of actual demand of the consumers. On the basis of supply of natural gas products, Citizen gas company mostly providing services to residential customers on priority basis rather than industrial and commercial customer segments. Business performance of CGC The recent business operation of Citizen Gas The current business performance of the company is good according to their customer base. There are also some problems faced by the company due to lack of infrastructure and not capable enough to keep proper storage for fulfilment of forecasted demand of their customers. The revenue generating performance of the company on the basis of their operational activities will be measured on the basis of total sales budget, expense budget, tax rate paid and total sales order from customers. Sales order received from customers The total sales order received by the Citizen Gas Company is based on the total demand on the basis of various customer segments like residential, industrial and commercial consumers. They have provided individual consumer ID to provide natural gas services and also forecasting their future consumer demand on the basis counting these attributes. The consumers can easily login on recommended websites and book their natural gas product as per their requirement (Chen and Baldick 2011). On the basis of booking of products, merchant companies are supplying gas to the Citizen Gas Company as per the contract basis. The industrial and commercial consumers are also having similar kind of procedure for booking their gas required to the Citizen Gas Company for fulfilling their long term demand and supply processes. Sales budget The sales budget has been forecasted for the company on the basis of total demand of the potential and actual customers of the company. The company needs this forecast to achieve accurate number of revenue from their sales and distribution activities. Company do not have proper knowledge and plan to forecast future sales as per the operational activities of current gas pipeline system. The recent established system of the company will be recognised enough to plan the accurate demand and storage capability of the organization (Monczka et al. 2015). Month Sales figures residential (2015) in $ Budgeted residential figure 2016 in $ Sales commercial 2015 in $ Budget commercial in 2016 $ Sales industrial in 2015 $ Budget industrial in 2016 $ Jan 18,000,000 19,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 Feb 16,000,000 16,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 Mar 14,000,000 15,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 Apr 13,000,000 13,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 May 11,000,000 11,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 Jun 11,000,000 11,000,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 Jul 9,000,000 10,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 Aug 10,000,000 10,000,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 Sep 12,000,000 13,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 Oct 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,000,000 20,00,000 3,000,000 3,5000,000 Nov 15,000,000 16,000,000 2,000,000 20,00,000 2,000,000 2,5000,000 Dec 17,000,000 18,000,000 3,000,000 30,00,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Total 160,000,000 166,00,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 65,000,000 71,000,000 Total 267,000,000 Table 1: Forecasted Sales budget for 2016 (Source: Created by author) Purchase budget The forecasted purchase budget of the company Citizen Gas is totally depends upon their selling and distribution activities. The purchase budget of the company will be totally based on total forecasted sales budget of the company as per the customers demand in the market. Due to contracted suppliers merchants are fixed with certain amount, which is showing that at the time of low demand of customers and budget for purchase gas products become higher in the organization (Joskow and Kahn 2012). Month Purchase budget of 2015 ($) Actual sale of 2015 ($) Purchase budget of 2016 ($) Jan 16,000,000 23,000,000 18,000,000 Feb 13,000,000 21,000,000 15,000,000 Mar 13,000,000 21,000,000 15,000,000 Apr 16,000,000 22,000,000 16,000,000 May 17,000,000 23,000,000 18,000,000 Jun 16,000,000 23,000,000 18,000,000 Jul 13,000,000 21,000,000 15,000,000 Aug 12,000,000 20,000,000 14,000,000 Sep 14,000,000 17,000,000 12,000,000 Oct 14,000,000 18,000,000 13,000,000 Nov 13,000,000 19,000,000 14,000,000 Dec 14,000,000 22,000,000 16,000,000 Total 171,000,000 250,000,000 184,000,000 Table 2: Forecasted purchase budget for 2016 (Source: Created by author) Expense budget The allocated expense budget of the company is generally covers all the fixed and variable expenses within a specified period of time. Fixed expenses are related to salary and depreciation value of acquired assets. On the other hand, variable expenses are regarding purchase of gas in different quantity (Winter and Knemeyer 2013). Company has been planned to fix the amount for keeping storage services to their customers. Operating Expenses Actual Expense 2015 ($) Budget expenses 2016 ($) Difference Accounting and Legal 800,000 600000 200000 Advertising 1600000 200000 -400000 Depreciation 2200000 240000 -200000 Dues and Subscriptions 1300000 900000 400000 Insurance 2900000 250000 400000 Interest Expense 3900000 280000 110000 Maintenance and Repairs 7900000 830000 -40000 Office Supplies 50000 30000 20000 Payroll Expenses 30000 30000 0 Rent 700000 800000 62000 Salaries and Wages 1530000 1580000 -50000 Taxes and Licenses 1120000 1140000 -20000 Web Hosting and Domains 200000 20000 0 Other 800000 100,000 70000 Total Operating Expenses 486100000 46888000 17220000 Table 3: Total forecasted Expense budget 2016 (Source: Created by author) Tax rate The taxation rate bear by the company CGC cannot be control by the government regulations and policies. The government of that particular economy become fluctuating which is become calculated as variable cost for the company within specified operational period of time (Zhu and Sarkis 2014). Future planning for their supply chain management activities The Citizen Gas Company is planning for organizing better gas supplies pipeline process for all targeted customer segments within that specific period. CGC is also planning for creating storage facilities for their potential customers which need to maintain by the different merchant companies within given period of time. Companys higher database for demand and supplies required to be manage on monthly basis also they are planning for incremental and expanding business plans (Seuring 2013). As per the new appointed director of the company has been planned new supply chain management design to fulfil customers demand within next few years. These incredible initiatives of the company create profitability and efficiency. The future planning of the organization is basically related to the storage planning within coming financial years and also enhances the financial scenario in future. New structure and system characteristics of CGCs current system Figure 3: New system provides storage facility and uninterrupted supply to customer(Source: Created by author) The overall new structure and characteristics of CGC has been totally changes due to enhancement of demand and supply facilities of the company. They have created different pipeline system and make their production system more complex in nature because of involvement of information system. The uneven supply chain management of the company will be affecting the total demand of the potential and active customers of the company. The Citizen Gas Company is facing problems due to fluctuation in storage units of the company due to uneven demand and supply (Winter and Knemeyer 2013). The new storage facility of the company will be supportive to manage continuous supplies in industrial, commercial with the residential customer segments. Identification of data for adequate planning capability of Citizen Gas Company The database collected and restore by the company are essential in terms of their monthly sales and purchase data in terms of supply ratio of 5 different pipeline system to manage the demand of customers within future period of time. There are three different kind of functional area which is properly maintaining the correlation between various attributes as per their forecasted data to structure the pipeline system. The operational activities of the company is making easier for their operational activities by following total consumption level of gas products (Chandrakar 2012). The primary customers line of the CGC is residential with higher supply level. The new structure of information system is properly managing the total demand and supply of gas products required to keep in the storage of the company. Conclusion The overall project report is showing that Due to lack of proper storage planning and facilities of Citizen Gas Company is unable to capture the market. They are also unable to fulfil the demand of customers and also supply of gas products creating problematic situations for the organization. The company is also contracted with various merchant companies to provide gas products which uneven and also not matching with expected demand of potential and active consumers of the company. Company has been appointed new director for their operational system, which is basically focusing on the total demand and supply of the organization in future period. 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