Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Separate From Great Britian essays

Separate From Great Britian essays Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand, Jesus observed in the Bible (Matthew 12:25). What does this mean to us, a brand new country working hard to succeed, despite oppression from the British? It tells us that if we stay with Great Britain, and continue to fight amongst ourselves, the flourishing kingdom we came here to build shall not triumph, but shall fall to their mercy. For years they have been profiting on our hard work, by cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world, taking advantage of us at every opportunity possible. The British have violated our natural rights by neglecting our feelings and forcing us to pay ridiculous taxes on ordinary items. Those tyrants have even absurdly told us that we must quarter their soldiers, whom we would rather have just go back to their own country. Tolerating such disrespect and neglect will only allow them to force more absurd rules and regulations upon us! The only way to escape from their clutch now is to stand tall with liberty and do anything we can to win back the blessed country that is rightfully ours. The British have found that they can greatly increase their wealth by disallowing us to import and export with countries other than them. This has given the British an immense advantage on us because they are able to pay whatever prices they see fit, since we cannot sell our goods to anyone else. On the other hand, with our imports, they can force us to pay very high prices for anything we need that is not available here, because we cant buy it from anyone else. Certain people who have been on the Kings side all through these rough times, have said that the British people are simply being kind by managing our goods and that without them graciously delivering necessary items, we would not survi ...

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