Sunday, June 9, 2019

MGMT 4440 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MGMT 4440 - Essay ExamplePerformance management provides much value to the organization. It helps ensure the goals are met on a timely basis, that the great unwashed are cooperative with one another and management, and also ensures higher fibre outputs. Once movement standards have been established, it can strengthen relationships with managers and employees with results-based rewards if they meet these standards. Basically, for the organization, it ensures that long-term strategic goals are met and the systems are in place that help everyone reach that outcome. For the individual, performance management can give them more perceptions of authority and autonomy in the business. By using systems such as the 360 degree feedback system or the regular annual appraisal, it shows the business values them as a critical imagination in the bon ton. It can also strengthen their personal development and prepare that might lead to promotions or better job opportunities with less management forepart if they contribute properly. It can also enhance their problem-solving and communication skills (Tarricone & Luca, 55). Question 2 The term business is sort means that a business succeeds or fails through the performance of all of its employees efforts and successes (, 2). ... Attitude at the employee level is everything in order to gain positive growth in competitive advantage. The unbreakable behavior law are those behaviors that do not change over time that are long-standing values associated with cultural beliefs or strong personal psychological and disposition factors. These are part of the persons overall value system and do not change without major investment from management. Behavior is considered key to quality because so much of the organization relies on human attitude, loyalty, motivation and commitment. For example, an employee who is unhappy with their job role might lead to higher turnover at the union that can cost budget and labor in hum an resources to find their replacement or correct worker errors. Employees need to be team-focused and responsible and, without these attitudes and behaviors, the companys reputation could be affected at the customer level. Question 3 Pinpointing is having an exact understanding of the behaviors or attitudes that the business wishes to change through performance management processes and systems. It is knowing in precise detail the behaviors that you want influenced and how to go about it (, 2). For example, if a companys long-term goals are to improve training and development, pinpointing is identifying which specific areas need improvement and then establishing systems to make sure this becomes a reality. It is a targeted process that is specific and streamlined to assist managers in development programs. Pinpointing is pertinent for performance management because PM is so goal-oriented and related to strategic mission and vision. For example, if the companys goal is t o completely change the information

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