Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Biomechanics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biomechanics - Case Study Example However the forces are greatest at posterolateral bundle at fullest extension. The posterolateral bundle withstands more force than the anterolateral bundles. Most common cause of ACL injury is due to non contact deccelatory forces involving lateral bending of the knee to a valgus position causing extension of the knee and rotation of the tibia(Boden et al, 2009)(Giuliani et al , 2009). Immediately after the tear of the ACL or inury to the ACL she should be asked to take rest so as to prevent further movement which can cause wear and tear. Ice should be applied every 15- 20 minutes and compression should be provided on the affected portion. Finally the injured knee should be elevated above the heart level in order to reduce the swelling and reduce episodes of pain (Benjaminse et al, 2006). Kinematic research has revealed that the quadriceps contraction is responsible for the greatest strain on the ACL graft between 10 degree and 45 degree of flexion. The ACL graft is devoid of the normal mechanoreceptors and may not provide biofeedback like in the uninjured knee. These factors are to be considered for the long term rehabilitation programs. The overall aim for the long term rehabilitation is to restore the joint anatomy, provide static and dynamic stability to the joint, maintain aerobic and psychological conditioning and ultimately aim this athlete to easy return to sporting activity. For this a four step approach is followed. In the first phase comprising one or two weeks the aim of therapy is to reduce the pain and inflammation and increase the range of motion of the knee. A postoperative brace is used ranging 30 degree to 90 degree till there is adequate quadriceps control. Physiotherapy is to be provided with the emphasis to static contractions of hamstrings and c o-contractions for the hamstrings and the quadriceps. Partial

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