Monday, July 29, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Manifest Destiny - Essay Example The originally-thought of as divine destiny to help other nations became an intense selfish purpose to divide and conquer other nations, not just northward, which justified the original term â€Å"continentalism† but also westward, or the whole world ultimately. This belief became a source of division among the American nation, particularly on the issue of â€Å"All Oregon or Nothing†. During the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 which discussed the joint occupation by the United States and Great Britain of the Oregon Country, the British government refused the idea of then President John Tyler to divide the Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. Instead, the British suggested that a boundary line along Columbia River be made. This was objected to by the advocates of Manifest Destiny. They wanted the whole Oregon Country instead of sharing it with the British. They demanded that annexation be made (otherwise known as 54degrees 40’N). Then Presidential candidate James Polk proposed to divide the Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. Again, the British refused the proposal. Advocates of Manifest Destiny cried out for â€Å"The Fifty-Four Forty or None!† When Polk became President, he insinuated to terminate the joint occupation agreement. Thus, the British had no option but to accede to the proposal of dividing Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 was born

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