Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Political Heights Achieved by Theodore Roosevelt Essay

Political Heights Achieved by Theodore Roosevelt - Essay Example He had a comfortable childhood, owing to his family’s affluence and he was homeschooled because of his health complications. Much of his childhood was spent in reading and in the exploration of natural history (Thayer 22). At the age of 18, he joined Harvard for four years, and excelled both at academics and in sports, following which he studied in Germany for a year and ultimately entered politics in his hometown by joining the Republican Party in 1880 (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†; â€Å"Timeline†). Upon being elected into the Assembly of New York State in 1881, Roosevelt held office for 3 years during which he introduced many reforms (Pringle 70). He became the youngest man ever to be elected into the Assembly (â€Å"Timeline†). His first book, The Naval War of 1812, was published during his stint at the Assembly. During his tenure, he also joined the National Guard and was the Chairman of the Committee on Cities, during which his effort s led to major modifications in the Charter of New York City (â€Å"Timeline†). In 1884, Roosevelt suffered a great personal loss with the demise of his mother and wife on the same day, after which abandoned his political endeavors for a while (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt†; â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†). ... In 1886, he married Edith Carow and re-entered politics (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt†). In 1887, his third book, Life of Thomas Hart Benton, was published, followed by the publication of four other books, Life of Gouverneur Morris, Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail, and Essays in Practical Politics in 1888 and 2 volumes of The Winning of the West in 1889 (â€Å"Timeline†). Roosevelt was appointed as a US Civil Services Commissioner in Washington until 1895, after which he became assistant secretary of the Navy under President McKinley’s administration (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†). Several of his books including the History of New York, The Wilderness Hunter, and American Ideals were published during this period. Upon the outbreak of the Spanish-American war in 1898, he left for Cuba as lieutenant colonel of the first US volunteer cavalry regiment called the Rough Riders, raised by himself from among the cowboys and hunters from the West (â₠¬Å"Timeline†; â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†). After the Battle of San Juan Heights, he was nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor, which he denied (Pringle 460). In 1898, Roosevelt was nominated as Governor of New York State by the Republican Party, after which he was elected as Governor and served for two years. He was then elected as the Vice President of the United States after which he went on to become the president following the assassination of President McKinley (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†). He became the 26th president of the United States and the youngest one at that. In 1994, he was again elected as President for a full term. Under Roosevelt’s presidency, the International Court of Arbitration was opened at The Hague (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt – Biography†).  

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