Sunday, August 18, 2019

State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays

State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student? State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System :: Education Turkey Educational Essays State and Religious Institutions and the Turkish Education System Since 2000 B.C., when Turkey first appeared on the pages of history, the country has been a part of many different civilizations and has been constantly developing into the nation that we see today.? Turkey?s educational system has been developing as well.? The control of the educational system in Turkey is very much rooted in the State and is primarily controlled by the Ministry of National Education (commonly referred to as ?the Ministry?).? I found a good summary of the aim of the Ministry which stated that the goal of the Turkish national education system could be summed up as being, one where all individuals of the state are gathered together as an inseparable whole, united in national consciousness and thinking, trained to think along scientific lines with intellectually broadened views on world affairs, and to be productive happy individuals, who through their skills contribute to the prosperity of society and are instrumental in making the Turkish nation a creative and d istinguished member of the modern world. (MFA) The overall structure of how education actually works in Turkey is very rigid and detailed.? It seems that the Ministry has been the most significant in modifying the educational systems of Turkey within the past few years.? In 1997, for example, the required five years of primary school was replaced by eight years of primary school (Council).? There are other similar minor changes that have occurred over the past few years, but none of them, to my knowledge, have been drastically altering.? Also, In all of my research, it was difficult for me to find contrary information on any of the old systems and how they may have differed from the present day educational system, so I conclude that the system has been roughly uniform and similar, while obviously evolving over the years, for quite some time. ?As I mentioned earlier, the educational system of Turkey is very rigid and detailed, but at the same time appears to be very efficient.? All students in Turkey attend eight years of primary school, followed by three to four years of secondary school.? Turkey?s educational system, at this point, strays quite a bit from the educational system that most of us have grown up with in America.? Secondary education generally consists of a type of specialization for each individual student?

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