Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Gandhi - Essay Example Gandhi was a man who had humbled his adversaries with his simplicity of character and personality and had fought for the rights of the common man. Gandhi was born on 3 October, 1969 in Porbandar, Gujarat in India, when it was under the British rule. After completing his early education in India, he went to England for his law studies and became a barrister. He went to South Africa to practice law and there he realized that black people were not considered at par with the whites and were treated like dirt and considered for menial work only. He was appalled and his sense of justice violated. He took up the cudgel to fight for the equal rights for all human being and became an instant hit with the people with his advocacy for fighting the tyranny of the whites with his non violent movement which led to blacks to gain some rights of human dignity in South Africa. After this, Gandhi, along with wife Kasturba and three sons, returned to his own country and started working for the rights and freedom of his people of India. Gandhi was a man who led by example. When he came back to India, he realized that majority of the Indian people live in villages and who are poor. He also discarded his worldly goods and started living like them in simple clothes and doing all types of work himself. His family also followed suit and it became easier for the common man to identify himself with Gandhi, who then started calling him ‘Bapu’ meaning their father. Other leaders like Nehru, Patel, Gokhale, Kriplani, Jinnah etc. who had formed ‘National Congress Party’ to fight against the British rule, welcomed Gandhi but initially, they too, were not convinced in his principle for non violence. Gandhi’s beliefs in the basic human values that decried violence ultimately persuaded the congress leaders to adopt non violence in their political agenda. Gandhi was a simple but a shrewd politician. His fundamental conviction in non violence and his inherent

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