Thursday, March 12, 2020

Discerning Edits

Discerning Edits All edits are  your friend. I previously belonged to an online critique group. It was superb, able to stick to pure feedback because we werent facing each other, chatting, and distracted. In the 13 years I belonged to that group, my writing leaped in tremendous, gigantic bounds. Not that they were literary giants, That group knew me before I was published, and six years before the first book was published. They helped mold me. They gave me confidence. They taught me how to edit, but more so, they taught me how to accept edits discernibly. Critiquers and editors come with history, experience, preferences, and baggage. Theyve picked up what they deem as rules and mantras that they write and edit In belonging to this hard-core online group, I had to develop a thick skin. I also had to develop a professional tact when I critiqued in return. Most of all, I had to learn that all the edits I received werent necessarily gospel, and all the edits I delivered didnt have to be used. That was the most profound lesson I carried from that group. . . and I thank the heavens I had that group for as long as I did. I can accept an edit and go through it with my own red pen, accepting and declining the comments. . . while feeling perfectly fine about myself and the other person when its over. Unfortunately, over this extended time three of the group members died, another lost his wife and therefore his desire to write, and in trying to regain its size, the group accepted some folks who practically dismantled it with derogatory remarks instead of pure editing. The serious writers silently stepped away from the folks who couldnt accept the fact that their critiques werent in stone, and they werent immune to negative remarks about their own work. Too much inflexibility. As with all critique groups, they grow, shrink, change for the better, and change for the worst. It fizzled, which broke my heart. However, I recall those strong, active days with fondness and a deep appreciation for what I learned being willing to be flexible in edits. Learning to edit discernibly  is one of the best traits a serious writer can have.

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