Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principles of Methodology Constructing Research

Question: Describe about the Principles of Methodology for Constructing Research ? Answer: Introduction Categorizing the people on the workplaces based on their gender is a very common practice in the UK. Even the job roles are also standardised as masculine and feminine. However, there are various consequences of such practice both for the corporate and for the people, who are working within those corporations (Connolly, 2015). Women are the ones, who are usually involved within the family activities largely. Although, it does not conclude that they are inefficient or unprofessional, but still most of the corporations are not interested giving key position to their women employees just because of this reason. There are various other critical issues that the women employees are facing, while working within a corporate workplace. Within most of the UK organizations, the women employees are not getting paid as much as their male colleagues are getting for doing the very same jobs (Kim, 2014). During pregnancy and child birth, the women employees have to take additional care and time for her. This is a very serious issue for the corporate firms. Various initiatives taken by the Government and the independent mentality of the women in the UK are supporting such huge percentage of women employees. However, the women in the UK still have to face discrimination within their work places like many underdeveloped and emerging countries. The current study prepares a research proposal to raise the issues that the women employees in the UK are facing for discrimination at their work places. Research Rationale Discrimination is the key issue that most of women in the UK are facing right now. There are many reasons behind the issue. Gender inequality, pregnancy and child-birth etc. are the key reasons behind the gender discrimination issue. There are various consequences such as lower productivity, lower quality and turn-around, low employee morale, less proactive employees etc., which are not favourable for the business organizations. Therefore, it is an issue. Within the last decade, many countries, especially the Government of the UK has prioritised empowering and encouraging the women and girls to become self-dependent by joining the corporate. Women and girls at the workplaces are good for them and for the society too. Therefore, gender discrimination is a serious issue within the current circumstances. The research will shed light on the aspects leading towards the workplace discrimination and the suggested solutions for maintaining gender balance within the organizations. Aims and Objectives The key goal of the current study is to assess the level of workplace discrimination, faced by the women in the UK and to evaluate the reasons behind discrimination in the workplace. Objectives of the Research To analyse the effort put in the workplace by the men and the women To identify the key reasons behind gender discrimination in the workplace To analyse whether workplace discrimination affects the women employees To evaluate the extent to which workplace discrimination affects the women employees To suggest recommended strategies for minimising workplace discrimination against the women employees Research Questions How much effort is put in the workplace by the men and the women? What are the key reasons behind gender discrimination in the workplace? How workplace discrimination affects the women employees? What is the extent to which workplace discrimination affects the women employees? What are the recommended strategies for minimising workplace discrimination against the women employees? Significance of the Research The significance of the research is that the study will evaluate the mistakes that the organizations are doing in terms of workplace discrimination and the consequences of gender discrimination in the workplaces. This will help influencing the organizations for giving value and importance towards the women employees in the workplaces. The organizations will also understand the importance of equality. In addition, they will be able to minimise the legal and various other consequences of gender discrimination that were previously affecting their business largely. Overall, the study will evaluate the position of the women employees within the society. Literature Review Reasons behind Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Inequality It becomes a tradition for the male to dominate the society and civilization and a tendency to neglect the women and girls. The scenario is very same within the corporate organizations, even during the 21st century (Othman and Othman, 2015). Although, the Government and the society is fighting for the women rights but there are no positive or encouraging signs of changing scenario. Many researchers have opined that it may gradually become worst until any strong measurements are taken for revising our mentality. Inequality is always a concerning factor that influences workplace discrimination (O'Cinneide and Liu, 2014). Pregnancy and Child-Birth Many researchers have suggested that gender discrimination is often experienced by most of the women employees during their pregnancy and child-birth (Oskooii, 2015). During those times, it is obvious that the women employees have to take more care and time. However, this does not have any significance for the corporate organizations and they reacts awkwardly towards the women employees. The situation influences gender discrimination (Malnes, 2015). Comparison between Women and Men in the Workplace If the comparisons are in term of educational qualification, skills, competencies and knowledge, there are particularly no difference between the men and the women employees (Kim, 2014). In many cases, the women employees are way ahead of the men. The women are now joining the army, becoming a doctor, a pilot and various other challenging workplaces. Therefore, it will not be appropriate to neglect the women employees in terms of their mental and physical capabilities (Horta, 2015). In spite of the fact, that the women employees are equal to the men employees in terms of their efforts and dedication towards their roles and responsibilities, the corporate organization are not paying attention to the women employees and are involved within various discrimination activities. These discrimination activates are not only hampering the motivation of the women employees but also adversely affecting the productivity of those corporate organizations largely. Impacts of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Hiring Most have the researches and statistics have concluded that within the previous decade, women are not far behind than men in terms of acquiring educational qualifications, especially within higher studies (Connolly, 2015). These encouraging statistics have influenced the amount of women employees working within various corporate organizations. Around 30% of the entire workforces in the UK are filled with the women employees. Recent organizational trends have created many organizational roles that can be performed efficiently by the women employees only, such as the role of sales executive and customer representative (Cavalcanti and Tavares, 2015). Salaries Although, most of the companies from various industries have recruited many women employees but the women employees are not getting the similar salaries and compensation like the men employees. Many leading organizations in the UK are constantly following a diverse salary structure for men and women (Bobbitt-Zeher, 2011). Promotion The women employees are not only getting behind the men employees in terms of salaries but also in terms of promotion (Alteri, 2015). Within many organizations, the women employees are generating similar or better outcome than the men employees. However, the corporate organizations are still not interested to promote the women employees at the first place (Connolly, 2015). Research Methodology Research Methodology Overview Research methodology is crucial to conduct a research. Research methodology assists the researcher conducting the research work hypothetically, methodically and theoretically (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). It assists the researcher for obtaining the necessary quantitative and qualitative data during the interview and the survey program for the current research. While, hypothetical work is conducted using paradigms, it will help fulfilling the checklist within the research method procedure (Mayer and Steneck, 2012). The technical procedure of methodology will be utilised for collecting necessary primary and secondary research data. It will help the researcher for performing the study with a suitable design procedure. The researcher will provide an appropriate methodology for this study by research approach, research onion (Supino and Borer, 2012). Research Design Research design is a method, which assists including the appropriate research procedures and procedures for conducting the research within a methodical system (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). The category of the research and the kind of research topic are distinct by the study design. In addition, research design also help constructing the hypothesis of the study and all kinds of variables together with independent and dependent variables, place the study questions and accumulate the qualitative and quantitative data applicable for the current research (Mayer and Steneck, 2012). The method of research design for the current study will be developed based upon the awareness of the researcher with reference to the objectives and aims of the study. Three types of research designs are there that are Explanatory, Exploratory and Descriptive. For the current learning, the researcher will use the descriptive research design. The research question starts with What, When, Who, Where and How (Creswell, 2014). It will help the researcher identifying and developing practical form of research based on particular set of objectives and research questionnaires (Weathington et al. 2012). Research Approach Research approach is the procedure for developing new knowledge and skills appropriate for the current study (Creswell, 2014). The recent theories will be utilised by the researcher during appropriate research approach. Two types of research approach are there and they are Inductive and Deductive research approach. The researcher will use Deductive research approach for conducting the current research. Deductive research approach conducts with the theories linked to the current research. Then the hypothesis will be done by the researcher, and then the researcher will observe the hypothesis and at last comes to the research outcome (Salkind, 2012). Research Philosophy Research philosophy is the methodical approach for searching existence, value and knowledge (6 and Bellamy, 2012). There are four major types of research philosophy and they are Positivism, Post-Positivism, Realism and Phenomenolism (Alvesson and Sandberg, 2013). The researcher will use positivism for the current research. The researcher obtains data from the women employees of different organizations in the UK with the assistance of research philosophy. It assists the researcher to analyze the impacts of gender discrimination within various workplaces of different organizations in the UK. Justification of Research Philosophy The researcher must use positivism for the current research for investigating gender discrimination within various workplaces of different organizations in the UK. In addition, the researcher will collect the necessary primary and secondary research data appropriately by following the most suitable data collection process. The researcher must design an arrangement based on the assessment of collected secondary data (Biddle and Emmett, 2013). Investigation Types Three types of investigation are there that are Comparative, Descriptive and Experimental Investigation (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). The researcher will use descriptive study for the current research. It will help the researcher for collecting necessary data for the research. It will also assist the researcher for analyzing the impacts and the reasons of gender discrimination within various workplaces of different organizations in the UK. Methods of Data Collection Two major forms of data collection modes are primary data collection and secondary data collection (Mayer and Steneck, 2012). Primary data are those data that are never issued or published anywhere. It is taken in account for collecting the data from the women employees and HR managers of various different organizations in the UK. On the contrary, secondary data collection implies the data, which are published already within books, journals, articles, newspaper and websites (Creswell, 2014). The researcher collected secondary data about gender discrimination within the workplaces of various different organizations in the UK from the books, journals and websites, which must be valid and reliable. It supports the researcher to outline a questionnaire for collecting primary data from the women employees and HR managers of various different organizations in the UK. Sampling Method Two key sampling methods are probability sampling method and non-probability sampling Method (Novikov and Novikov, 2013). The researcher will use both methods within the current research. The researcher will also choose research participants using probability sampling method. In addition, the researcher will use non-probability sampling method, which will help the researcher for collecting research data on purposive basis. Population The researcher will survey on 100 women employees, who are working on various different companies in the UK. Those companies will be fare mix of small, medium and large sized corporate from various different industries in the UK. In addition, 10 HR managers of those companies will also be interviewed. Accessibilities Issues of this Research This research will be conducted for analysing the nature of workplace discrimination within various different organizations in the UK and its effects on both the organizations and women employees. During this research work the researcher is expected to experience some issues such as less time spent by the HR managers of those organizations, while obtaining the data through interview. The researcher will be unable to collect the data, which is expected. The HR managers are not likely to provide accurate data for maintaining the reputation of their organizations. Ethical Issues of this Research The researcher must ensure that the information obtained from the HR managers and the women employees of various different organizations in the UK will be secured and will be used for the research work only and not for the commercial purposes. The researcher must promise respecting the emotional value of the research participants and must pursue the rules and regulation of those companies during the research (Salkind, 2012). Data Analysis Planning It will be used for developing the research structure. Mainly, there are two types of data analysis plan that include Qualitative data analysis and Quantitative data analysis (Supino and Borer, 2012). The researcher should utilise both the data analysis planning for the current research. Qualitative analysis assists to analyze the measurements and activities of the HR managers for dealing with workplace discrimination. On the other hand, quantitative data analysis helps to find out the key components regarding workplace discrimination, based upon the responses of the women employees. Limitations Limitations are the constraints of the research that restricts to conduct the study effectively (Weathington et al. 2012). The critical limitation of the current research is that the HR managers of various different countries in the UK are unlikely to share their actual approach towards discrimination. The managers of those companies are expected to share only the positive side of their organizations. In addition, the responses of the women employees will not be going to reveal the actual scenario regarding gender discrimination within their workplaces as they are more likely to say positive things about their current organization due to job security. Gantt chart (Time Table) Research Objectives Week (I) Week (II) Week (III) Week (IV) Week (V) Week (VI) Week (VII) 1. Topic Selection 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 4. Use of Secondary data Collection 5. Analysing collected secondary data 6. Conclusion and Recommendation 7. Final Research Submission Reference List Books 6, P. and Bellamy, C. (2012). Principles of methodology. London: SAGE Alvesson, M. and Sandberg, J. (2013). Constructing Research Questions. London: SAGE Publications Biddle, J. and Emmett, R. (2013). A research annual. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Chandra, S. and Sharma, M. (2013). Research methodology. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd Creswell, J. (2014). Research design. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Mayer, T. and Steneck, N. (2012). Promoting research integrity in a global environment. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Novikov, A. and Novikov, D. (2013). Research methodology. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema Salkind, N. (2012). Exploring research. Boston: Pearson Supino, P. and Borer, J. (2012). Principles of research methodology. New York, NY: Springer Weathington, B., Cunningham, C. and Pittenger, D. (2012). Understanding business research. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons Journals Alteri, A. (2015). Gender-Based Discrimination in the Workplace: Why Courts Tell Employers That Breastfeeding Discrimination Is Legal. Review of Public Personnel Administration Bobbitt-Zeher, D. (2011). Gender Discrimination at Work: Connecting Gender Stereotypes, Institutional Policies, and Gender Composition of Workplace. Gender Society, 25(6), pp.764-786 Cavalcanti, T. and Tavares, J. (2015). The Output Cost of Gender Discrimination: A Model-Based Macroeconomics Estimate. Econ J, p.n/a-n/a Connolly, M. (2015). Employee-referral schemes and discrimination law. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law Horta, O. (2015). Does Discrimination Require Disadvantage?. Moral Philosophy and Politics, 0(0) Kim, S. (2014). The effect of gender discrimination in organization. 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