Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Criminal Street Gang Activity Essay - 947 Words

Many experts differ on the definition of what a â€Å"gang† is. Police use the term to refer to groups that hold and defend territory, or turf. Experts use the term to describe any congregation of youths who have joined together to engage in a delinquent act (Siegel Welsh, 2011). The State of Florida (F.S.S. 874.03) defines a Criminal Street Gang as â€Å"means a formal or informal ongoing organization, association, or group that has as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal or delinquent acts, and that consists of three or more persons who have a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols and have two or more members who, individually or collectively, engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal street gang activity† (Statutes Constitution, 2016). As children progress through adolescence they learn quickly who they get along with and who they don’t. They bond with certain groups of kids that they have things in common w ith. For some this need provides a social and emotional basis for antisocial activity transforming the clique into a â€Å"gang† (Siegel Welsh, 2011). Researcher Jeffery Fagan found that most gangs fall into one of four categories: 1. Social - few delinquent activities other than alcohol and marijuana. 2. Party – drug use and sales to finance drug use. 3. Delinquent – serious delinquent behavior avoiding drug use and dealing. 4. Organized – heavily involved in criminality. Gang violence. Many former gang members in theShow MoreRelatedPrison Gangs : The United States991 Words   |  4 PagesThe fact that prison gangs are not visible to the public makes them seem unknown to the public eye, however the pose the same threats to the United States as all other gangs. 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