Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Book Report On Of Mice And Men Essay -- essays research papers

Of Mice and Men In the beginning of the story, two men named George Milton and Lennie Small are trying to make their way to a small ranch in Salinas Valley, California. George is the leader of their two man tribe, despite Lennie’s intimidating size. George is filled with determination and confidence while Lennie is a simple man with a big heart. Up north, they had recently been run out of a town called Weed on account of Lennie. First of all, Lennie is not very smart, and becomes frightened and confused easily. Also, he enjoys petting animals and feelingthings that grab his attention. One night in Weed, Lennie and George had gone to a pool hall. Lennie saw a girl wearing a bright red dress. He grabbed on to the sleeve of her dress. The girl became scared and screamed; this frightened Lennie. He did not know what to do so he held on to the dress tighter. The next day, George found out that the girl went to the police and pressed charges against Lennie. The police were all over town looking for him. George and Lennie escaped by hiding in an irrigation ditch until nightfall and then leaving town. After that, they hitchhiked all the way to Salinas Valley, California where the story continues. The next day they arrived at their destination, the ranch where the would be working. That day, they met someone named Candy. He was an old man who had been working on the farm for many years. He also had an old dog. It was so stiff with rheumatism it could hardly walk. A few ...

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