Thursday, September 12, 2019

Dissolution of the Department of Homeland Security Essay

Dissolution of the Department of Homeland Security - Essay Example One need look no further than the seemingly ever increasing nature of the annual budgets within which DHS must manage its mandates to see evidence of this. For instance, in 2012 alone, your budget allocated 43.2 billion USD to the Department of Homeland Security as a means of meeting the goals and mission objectives that it has been tasked with (Vandermey, 2011). Although one of the main reasons why both republicans and democrats have argued for the perpetuation of the Department of Homeland Security is due to the fact that there has not been a single domestic act of widespread terrorism since the attacks of September 11, 2001. However, this logic is faulty due to the fact that absence of an attack does not actually correspond to the effectiveness of the agency in general. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the actual distribution of power that the Department of Homeland Security oversees appears to be one of its greatest weaknesses. Moreover, it is the belief of this citizen th at the argument for the furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security by congressional share-holders has been partly born out of a fear for voting to discontinue such an entity and then facing the electoral ramifications of what this could portend for them, as well as for their party, should another terrorist attack similar to the scale of September 11th, 2001 take place again within the United States. This fear is not only warranted but it is also indicative of a type of thinking that continues to place the United States in a great deal more debt than it would otherwise have. Prior to its creation in October of 2011, the Department of Homeland Security’s ultimate functions were not merely nonexistent. I would ask that your administration keep this in mind as it considers funding and furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security into the future. Due to the fact that many of the individual aspects of the Department of Homeland Security’s ultimate purview were handled by other government entities, what the current Department of Homeland Security has come to represent is a government agency charged with an extraordinarily high level of oversight. As a function of this extremely high level of multiple oversights that the Department of Homeland Security is tasked with, it is the opinion of this author that this ultimately makes the mission, vision, and goals of the Department of Homeland Security untenable. Moreover, many critics have claimed that the department itself is ineffective due to the extremely wide breadth of instances that it attempts to protect against. Although it is laudable what the Department of Homeland Security is attempting to do with regards to protecting the population of the United States against natural and man-made threats to its continued existence, the fact of the matter remains that it is has seemingly become yet another bloated

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