Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hip-Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women Essay

â€Å"Baby Mommas, Chicken Heads, or Bitches,† (McLune 214) are some of the most misogynistic words found in Hip-Hop today. Jennifer McLune, a librarian, activist, and writer – living in Washington. D. C. – is taking a stance against the misogyny. â€Å"Hip-Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women† by Jennifer McLune is a response article to Kevin Powell’s article, â€Å"Notes of a Hip Hop Head. † In his article, Powell poses poverty as the explanation for the sexism found in hip-hop today. McLune believes that, Powell’s explanations of hip hop are one way to silence those that are critiquing it. McLune begins to explain that Kevin’s argument, â€Å"completely ignores the fact that women, too, are raised in this environment of poverty and violence, but have yet to produce the same negative and hateful representation of black men† (McLune 214). McLune believes that Artists and role models should take more responsibility with their music and what they represent. McLune argues that a lot of conscious artists, such as Common, are too eager to gain acceptance by popular mainstream artists. Thus, causing them to forsake their morals and commend mainstream artists for their accomplishments. Mclune goes on to say that artists should embody respect between genders through their music. She argues that Black female rappers are just as much to blame as their male peers. She encourages women to speak in a collective voice, as to defend themselves, instead of being â€Å"hyper feminine and hyper sexual to please men. † (McLune 215) Powell adds that hip-hop has created a way for black people to â€Å"win,† by creating something out of absolutely nothing. McLune follows with a rebuttal stating if sexism is the route to mainstream acceptability, and that is what it takes to win, than all black women are the losers. McLune demands acknowledgement from apologists, acknowledging that black women are in fact black people to. She said, when someone attacks a woman in the black community, black people should unite and respond adequately as though it was an attack on every member in the black community. McLune challenges Hip-hop by refusing to be a victim of it and refuses to reward it with her money or her attention. She strongly believes that hip-hop should fail until it does right by every black woman. McLune closes by pleading with the black community. She wants to see every black person condemn woman-hating as the enemy of the entire black community. If and only then, hip-hop would be forced to change. However as it stands, Mclune does not seem to have much faith in the black community. She believes that rappers are more concerned with money and â€Å"black women are being â€Å"thugged and rubbed all the way to the bank† (McLune 217). A Summary of â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids† Gerard Jones, a writer of comics, screen plays, and cartoons, takes quite the stance on violence in media. In his article â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids,† Jones discusses violent media and its positive impact on kids. When reflecting on his own childhood, whilst reading Marvel Comics, he baffles plenty with the following statement, â€Å"They were good for me because they were juvenile. And violent† (Jones 230). Jones favorite Marvel Comic character was Hulk. As a child, Hulk became Jones’ fantasy self. He describes Hulk as being this overgendered, unsocial being that was always misunderstood. For some strange reason, Jones found compatibility and comfort in Hulk. In his 30’s, Jones wrote various action movies and comic books. Shortly thereafter, he found himself helping other children by building off of the experiences they were already enduring. He writes about a young girl named Emily whose parents were separating. Emily began to worry both her teacher and her mom when she started writing violent stories. Jones counseled her mother and helped her further develop her daughter’s stories. Through doing so, he claims, that this young girl was able to become â€Å"more self-controlled and socially competent† (Jones 232). Jones argues that people are able to pull themselves out of emotional traps by immersing themselves in violent stores. A child â€Å"pretending to have superhuman powers helps them conquer the feelings of powerlessness that inevitably comes with being so young and small† (Jones 231). He argues that children will feel rage, even the sweetest children. While immersing themselves in imaginary and fantasy like combat children are able to express the rage they’ve always been forced to suppress. Jones encourages parents to not be so concerned with their children growing up into murderous human-beings. Instead, realizing that violent media is necessary and if taken away they may grow up to be easily manipulated. Jones understands that violent media is not always harmless; that it has impacted people’s lives negatively. Jones argues that violent media â€Å"helped hundreds of people for every one it’s hurt† (Jones 232). He said we are not sheltering our children from violence, but rather, power and selfhood.

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