Friday, May 31, 2019

The Theme of Love Essay -- Love Poetry Literature Essays

The Theme of LoveRomantic love, physical love, unrequited love, neurotic love.Compare the ways the poets have written about the theme of love,bringing out different aspects of it.In the six poems I have studied, I draw a wide range of different typesof love mentioned. I will be looking at 3 poems in depth. These arePorphyrias raw sienna, written by Robert Browning, My Last Duchess,written by the Duke of Ferrara and To His Coy harlot, written byAndrew Marvell.When it comes to romantic love, To His Coy Mistress contains someelements of it. To His Coy Mistress also includes aspects ofphysical love. When it comes to unrequited love, Porphyrias Loverand To His Coy Mistress hold a large scale in them. My LastDuchess also includes shades of unrequited love. Porphyrias Loverand My Last Duchess contain features of obsessive love.In my essay, I would like to pay particular attention to unrequitedlove because it shows how the women in the poems are seen as apossession, which the men must r ightfully have. I will also look at aspects of obsessive love. To His Coy Mistressis not gener in ally positioned in this type of love as the poem does notreally contain obsessive love, but in my opinion it throw out be placed inthe category as the speaker is pressuring the girl into having sexwith him and he wants her to sleep with him now. He is being seen asobsessive and wanting things his way, immediately. This can be seenwhen he saysHAD we but world enough, and quantifyThis shows that time is short and wasting away. This quote isimportant as it is a powerful opening, stressing the impact of timeupon them.I will first compare Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess... justfor pleasure?The narrator is transparent in what he wants. He except wants hismistress for sex and pleasure.The poem starts with the pronoun we but as the poem progresses, itstarts to separate into individuals I and thou. At the end, itturns back to us.The first stanza of the poem makes the referee thin k that it is a lovepoem, when really it is a lust poem. The narrator uses the images offear and lost opportunity and time as a threat to the woman.The writers, in the poems that I have compared, bring out love indifferent ways. There are different tactics involved, which is what Ithink make all these poems unique and interesting to read. Each poembrings about different types of love. The poems all try to get thewomen they think they rightfully deserve, except for My Last Duchesswhere he is obsessive about his woman.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Executive Summary Essay -- Economics

Executive Summary-----------------The 2000 were a period of enormous growth, Australian is a prosperousnation has benefited from 9 years of uninterrupted economic growth. However, the international tourist industry was suffer from theterrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the USA on11 September 2001. Overall, the Australian international touristindustry continues to be strong because of the board mix of naturalenvironment and cosmopolitan cities located here, including high-tech,stable international political situation and economic prosperity. In order to increase Australian international tourist industry, Sportand Tourism of Australias Department of Industry, Science andResources must develop a strategic plan to reach more potentialvisitors. With Australia unique natural resources, its appeal to moreAsian travellers come to Australia. Over the past decade, mostvisitors came from the UK, Europe and North America. Now, Australiamust begin some strategies to attrac t more travellers from Asiacountries. This will give Australia the best chance to expandits tourism.IntroductionAlthough Australia has been booming, the world economy has been inrecession for some time. Indeed, Australian tourism is slowlydeclining has been far less than originally expected. Even though theAustralian government strives to sustain growth in the economy withoutdamaging the natural environment, but these improvement do not seem tobe stretchability the travellers its need to influence. Therefore, I amasked to summarise the marco environmental issues affecting AustralianTourism and propose additional strategies that the Sport and Tourismof Australias Department of Industry, Sc... ...ungsingles, suggest a lower price during peak season by effectiveness ofadverting campaigns and promotion in generating more Asian, including Australia and Singapore have established a spliff Tourism Council that will aim to increase international arrivals to both Australia and Singapo re from key markets through a co-operative partnership between the Australian Tourist focus and the Singapore Tourism Board. Most key operators selling Australia have developed websites providing product information, special deals, travel clubs and newsletters and online enquiry response mechanisms. There are 10 major wholesalers/retail agents selling Australian group tour packages, with extensive branch office network of sales point location. These agents are linked with the trinity major carriers Qantas, Cathy Pacific and Singapore Airlines.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay --

Potato across CountriesThe cultivation of Potato has increased in the last fifty years all around the world. However, its consumption has decreased considerably for the past twenty years because in the true countries. This is because these some of these developed countries have more colossal proteinous foods rather than depend on starchy food for survival. In the subsequent parts of this paper, the comparative analysis of potato in the China and France will be explored.It is believed that the Dutch introduced Potato in China around 1600. It has since been grown in the mountainous areas of western and northern China. It was not perceived with much vitality and its cultivation in China was not so important until the early years of the twentieth century. New varieties of exceedingly-yielding Potatoes and new technologies for harvesting and process of the harvest home has substantially increased. The government of China began experimenting with Potato in the year 1914. Since then, imp roved varieties of Potato and advanced breeding methods have been discovered and put in to practice in China. Potato finally became of a highly important crop in China around the Second World War. This was a clipping when the nationalists and communists parties of the country and also the invading army of Japan discovered the advantages of a crop that can be grown easily, stored for considerable months and more easy to be transported. After the war ended, Potato cultivation exceedingly increased all around China most especially in Ganzu, Guizhou, Inner part of Mongolia, Yunnan and Sichuan. The crop could be cultivated over the winter even in the warmer region of the southern part of China. Consequently, in 1950 the production of Potato had the attained... ...rop became more abundant and relatively nutritious causing it to be grown by more sections of the French society. Potato helped support large families and population explosion in France safe like in China. The French have the ir own Potato which differs from that of the Chinese and they are namely White Wine Smashed Potatoes, Three-Cheese Potato Gratin and Potatoes Fondantes. Today, Potato is withal grown mainly in the Southern region of France. New varieties are being planted with modernized farming equipment just like in China. run CitedSmith, Andrew F. Potato A Global History. London Reaktion, 2011. Print.Early History of the Potato in France. The American Farmer Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture etc.(1881-1897) Jan 15 1893 7. ProQuest. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.Reader, John. Potato A History of the Propitious Esculent. New Haven Yale UP, 2009. Print.

Welfare Reform: Promoting Independence and Self-Reliance Essay

Welfare Reform Promoting Independence and Self-RelianceMary Smith gets up all day at 6 am and begins to hustle around the house. She rouses her three children from their slumber and forces them to get ready for school. Once the kids are on the bus, she hops in her car and heads off to her job at the local fast food restaurant. After working her seven hours at the restaurant, she goes to her night course at the college in town. The course she is taking will help her get her high school diploma and possibly lead her to a successful career. These two things have been dreams of Marys for so long, but she hasnt been able to attain them until now. She has been on welfare since the age of eighteen after having her first baby, Elijah. Most days life still seems like an perpetual tunnel, but now she thinks she may be starting to see a little light through the darkness.Many single mothers, like Mary Smith, and others on welfare have been given the chance to pursue happiness because of the reforms to the United States welfare system. In August of 1996, President Bill Clinton signed legislation that changed ofttimes of the system. The bill that he signed was called the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity reconciliation Act of 1996. The three goals of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 were 1) to reduce welfare dependency and increase employment, 2) to reduce child poverty and 3) to reduce illegitimacy and strengthen marriage (Rector, par. 1). Clintons plan also include three new rules 1) requires most recipients to work within two years of receiving assistance 2) limits most assistance to five years total and 3) lets states establish family caps to cover additiona... 2001. < http// srv/politics/special/welfare/stories/welfare052799.htm. Naughton, Keith. From the Frying Pan to the Factory. Business Week. 1 June 1998 106. Otto, Mary. S ustaining Welfare-to-Work. 2 Dec. 2001. 6 Dec. 2001. < http// Pear, Robert. Changes in Welfare Bring Improvements for Families. The New York Times on the Web. 1 June 2000. 7 Dec. 2001. ? < http// Rector, Robert and Patrick F. Fagan. The Good News About Welfare Reform. The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder. 5 Sept. 2001. 2 Dec. 2001.? < http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

greek heros Essay -- essays research papers

There are often a number of characteristics that can be used to describe characters done out literature. The classic mythological hero may be described as having the tragic Greek doughty character. The tragic Greek heroic personality contains characteristics such as excellence (arte), pride (hubris), blind recklessness (ate), and disastrous retribution (nemesis). Though most mythological heroes contain these qualities, Sophocles developed his own heroic personality. The sophoclean tragic hero is one whose rigid and courageous loyalty to particular principles invites a disastrous fate (Antigone Pg.14). Creon acting a classical tragic as well as Antigone, a sophoclean tragic heroes, both personify their personalities through their actions....

greek heros Essay -- essays research papers

There are often a number of characteristics that support be used to describe characters through out literature. The classic fabulous hero may be described as having the tragic Greek idealistic personality. The tragic Greek heroic personality contains characteristics such as excellence (arte), pride (hubris), blind recklessness (ate), and disastrous retribution (nemesis). Though most mythological heroes contain these qualities, Sophocles developed his own heroic personality. The sophoclean tragic hero is one whose rigid and courageous loyalty to particular principles invites a disastrous fate (Antigone Pg.14). Creon playing a classical tragic as well as Antigone, a sophoclean tragic heroes, both personify their personalities through their actions....

Monday, May 27, 2019

Chocolate History Essay

All coffee berry starts with a seed called a cocoa bean that is grown on a small tree. Many countries in profound and South America produce cocoa beans. The history of coffee starts in Latin America, where the cocoa bean was first discovered about 2,000 old age ago on a tropical tree. The first people recognized to have used these beans to make any kind of coffee berry were the Mayas. They called it the kakawa bean, which is where the origin of the serviceman coffee tree began. They most often used the bean to make a spicy, foamy drink.Later, the Aztecs discovered the cocoa bean. Eventually this was introduced in Europe after the Spaniards came to Central America. When the Spaniards began experimenting with the bean, they began to add other spices to it, such as cinnamon and sugar, to give the chocolate a sweeter taste. Soon, the rest of Europe started drinking it and it became a popular drink that just the rich could afford. In the 1600s the first chocolate house was opened and this flavor was able to reach the mouths of many other people. In the early 1800s, unscathed chocolate was created.It became more affordable to everyone and throughout time more recipes were experimented with, creating many different types of chocolate. There are many different types of chocolate such as White, Dark (bittersweet), milk, Semi-Sweet and even Baking Chocolate (unsweetened). White chocolate isnt really considered chocolate because it has no cocoa solids in it, it is made of the fat from the cocoa beans known as cocoa butter. White chocolate has a creamy consistency and taste. It lacks flavor because it tames no chocolate liquor which gives chocolate the bitter good chocolate flavor.White chocolate is not normally used in cooking unless it is a replacement for dark or milk chocolate. It is used generally for decorating. Dark chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate. This chocolate contains a large amount of disease-fighting flavonoids, anti-oxidants also fo und in red wine and lots of different output and vegetables. Its anti-oxidants disregard significantly improve blood pressure, prevent blood clots, slow the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol making it less likely to stick to artery walls and also reduce inflammation.Eating dark chocolate can also lower insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes. Milk chocolate does not contain as much chocolate liquor as dark chocolate, which gives it a softer chocolate flavor. This chocolate is much sweeter than any other. It is the most popular type of chocolate. Milk chocolate is more difficult to temper properly and more prone to overheating which would make it thick and lumpy if it comes into contact with water. Milk chocolate can be used in pretty much anything you want to be sweet.The difference between regular chocolate and baking chocolate is baking chocolate has less sugar and no fat and its bitter while regular chocolate is sweet and sugary. Tempering me ans improving the consistency, durability or harshness of a substance by heating and cooling it. Tempering is make by melting solid chocolate to a temperature high enough that the crystals in the cocoa butter break down. Once the chocolate is fully melted, it must be cooled to about 82F, a temperature at which crystals will start to form once more so that the chocolate can eventually re-solidify.The chocolates temperature is then raised back to about 90F, where it is very smooth and can be poured into chocolate molds and used for other things. White, milk and dark chocolate can be tempered. Tempered chocolate is very glossy, has a firm finish and melts smoothly at around body temperature. Chocolate that has not been tempered or that has been improperly tempered will look flat or discolored. Tempering can be done in 2 ways by hand, or through a process called seeding. Tempering by hand can be done by tabliering where melted chocolate is poured onto a cool marble surface and worked w ith spatulas until it has cooled down sufficiently.More melted chocolate is added back and incorporated in to the tabliered chocolate to bring it back to the final working temperature. Through the process of seeding, chocolate is melted and a small amount of finely chopped solid chocolate is added into the melted chocolate and stirred in. Adding solid chocolate will lower the temperature of the melted chocolate and it will start to temper the melted chocolate. When it comes to baking, chocolate does not need to be tempered because it is being incorporated into another form. Tempering chocolate is good for dipping foods, for a more clean finish.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Romantics cautioned Essay

Whereas the great minds of the Enlightenment has placed great value on the pursuit and acquisition of familiarity, the Romantics cauti whizd that knowledge, hallucinating by a proper respect for the natural redact, could lead to despair. There argon several episodes in the book that point to the destructive power of knowledge that does not respect proper boundaries. The readers impression of Victor undergoes a transformation from a light, idyllic puerility, to a darker, more solitary systema skeletale pursing his passion by moonlight at Ingolstadt. His retelling of the story takes on a rushed, obsessive mood as he talks of nights in graveyards and charnel houses, foraging in the ground for human flesh and body parts.He remarks, I seem to have confounded all soul or sensation scarce for this one pursuit.(Shelley 39) In his obsessive pursuit of knowledge and the power to create life, Frankenstein oversteps the boundaries of nature. In a moment of reflection, Frankenstein warns Wa lton, Learn from me how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how such(prenominal) happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow. (Shelley 38)In a similar manner, the innocence and naivet of the hulk undergoes a transformation while sitting outside the cottage increasing his knowledge from tales in Ruins of Empire. Retelling this new knowledge to Frankenstein, the monster laments, I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governmentswhen I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased and I glum away in disgust and loathing. (Shelley 104)Having frontly been enamored with the beauties of nature, and capability of man, the monster reflected a sense of disillusionment when he asked, Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?(Shelley 104) Perhaps the most powerful caution agai nst knowledge that does not respect natural laws comes when Shelley invokes the themes of Genesis, and Miltons heaven Lost. What more powerful image could there be to prove this point, than that of Adam and Eve disobeying Gods laws, eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge, and being take out out of the Garden of Eden into the dark world?Shelleys portrayal of Victor and the monsters evolution seem to align the innocence of childhood with the Romantic themes of sentiment, emotion, and an idealized view of the world. Victors delineation of his childhood seems to be filled with hope and happiness. He retells fond memories of family and friends that appear in unfinished contrast to the path his life took after the death of his mother. Similarly, the monster is initially described as possessing a childlike inquisitiveness, innocent and optimistic, until the outside world changes him. I was benevolent and good misery made me a fiend.(Shelley, 84) Experience and knowledge change bot h of these characters for the worse.It is only the return of a friend from Victors childhood, Henry Clerval, which can pull Victor out of his darkness and rekindle an appreciation for the beauties of nature. Romantics believed that people should look to the natural world around them in order to provide insight into their inner selves. (Spielvogel 152) Frankensteins obsessive and reclusive studies cause him to neglect correspondence with his family for two years, and it is only Clervals appearance that can roll him out of seclusion and into nature. Their explorations through the countryside restore life to Victor. His renewed appreciation for nature makes him temporarily forget the dark, destructive path he was on. Clerval is the epitome of a Romantic character, well read in books of chivalry and romance, a composer of heroic songs, and an author of tales of enchantment and knightly adventure. (Shelley 23) These are the themes of the Romantic MovementShelleys depiction of Victor and Clerval are not meant to be an indictment of education and knowledge, or even of science for that matter. According to Patricia Neal, Shelley considered education essential for improvement. (Neal) In fact, it is the knowledge the monster receives by reading great works of literature that allow him to develop a sense of awareness and truth about himself. Shelley cautions against the unrestrained quest for knowledge, as Victor warns Walton you seek for knowledge and wisdomand I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.(Shelley 15) It is the selfish pursuit of knowledge, to the detriment of an appreciation for natural beauty, which leads her characters down destructive paths.An important theme of Romantic literature, and one very present in Frankenstein, is the idea that the progression of industrialization would cause people to become estranged from their inner selves, their identity, and the natural world all around them . (Spielvogel 152) The Movement placed a great deal of emphasis on nature and a glorified past because the Industrial Revolution was destroying nature and creating a gloomy environment.Victor is so immersed in his selfish scientific pursuits that he becomes oblivious to natural beauty all around him, Never did the fields bestow a more ample harvest or the vines yield a more luxuriant vintage, but my eyes were insensible to the charms of nature. (Shelley 40) Waldmans characterization of scientists penetrating the depths of nature to discover its secrets, draws upkeep to industry and Sciences attempt to master the natural world, and the disruption of the delicate balance between humankind and nature that had existed in a previous era. (Shelley 33, Damyanov)The early days of the Industrial Revolution held so much promise and potential for improving civilization, but the results were not always so beneficial. Similarly, Victor had dread intentions when he began his research, but a la ck of self-restraint meant the outcome was destructive. Shelley was alarmed by the absence of conscience, or awareness of implicit obligation to provide safeguards in scientific creations. (Neal)She was concerned about the long-term effects as Victor/mankind focused on his ability to manipulate nature, and lost sight of the big picture. The creation that held so much promise in the beginning, whether it was Shelleys monster or the Industrial Revolutions machines and science, had become a scourge upon order and a threat to its very existence. Shelley issues an eerie warning as the monster threatens the lives of Victors loved ones, Remember that I have poweryou are my creator, but I am the master. (Shelley 152).The countless adaptations of Frankenstein that have been drawn from the original, fail to capture the essence of the story and the societal conflict it addressed. Victor Frankensteins lust to challenge the laws of nature led him down a path of self-destruction. His pursuit o f knowledge and glory consumed him as he lost sight of the larger purpose, and lost respect for the natural world. Shelley intended his story to be a lesson to a rapidly changing society. Originally applied to the Industrial Revolution, these same lessons are close up appropriate to a contemporary society engaged in a Technological Revolution.Works CitedBushi, Ruth. The author is become a creator-God (Herder). The deification of creativityin relation to Frankenstein October 15, 2002 http//

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Genre and artist case study

Most Post-Punk music tends to keep that British essence about it, bands use their accents to help shape their music, and this is very much the case with the gum elastic Monkeys. promptly a days Post-Punk incorporates electronic sounds or dance music instead of the dated asss disco. The original Post-Punk movement was influenced by Crackpot, Dub and Disco Of the sasss. But outright Post-Punk revivalists ilk Interpol, Editors, and White Lies tend to edge toward a more atmospheric Post-Punk sound optimized by Echo and the Funnymen and Joy Division. Issues which common landly affect this genre are typically mild.I dont think that Post-Punk Revival has a major problem, unlike Hip-Hop or Dance genres. Post-Punk Revival is more of an artistic genre, where artists are more untroubled with re-creating music from the past and so forth. Although I think that the more recent bands Post-Punk Revival bands such as The Bravery, Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand tend to contribute more prob lems with attitude. This determined back uncaring attitude comes across and the dress styles they bring with them affects people in our everyday lives, fashion is based around these types of music, and at the moment in particular.Shops like River Island and Tops all portray the music sound. And with the style comes the attitude which I personally think a lot of people are adopting. Its ore of a culture thing, as with all types of music, Indies has become a lifestyle. The Indies spirit has been commodities and re-envisioned as a marketable lifestyle just like punk, Alternative, and Grunge before it Sean McCabe www. Edition. CNN. Com Post-punk is sympathetic to people because of the straight preliminary lyrics and catchy melodies.The lyrics are often about everyday life, and is seen as something that a lot of people can link to, this is other reason that it is part of our lifestyle, it talks about our lifestyle. When is comes to working relationships in the genre the key issues a re cackles and unprofessional artists. One great example of an artist like this is Pete Doherty, who at one point was arrested twice in a matter of days. His manager was involved in a hit and run incident where he was using Doherty car. The singer being charged with supplying illegal drugs and other events such as rehab. Drug problem like his can also connote gigs being cancelled or ruined.And these sort of people can be hard to work with in this industry. The best relationships are nurtured over the years and have been built on mutual trust and respect for different gifts we have as musicians and music equines professionals. Christopher Knap. Independent Music Consultant. Agree with this and think that this IS a common mistake in this genre, artists come to the music industry thinking that they are in once their name gets big, but really they need to build a working relationship with colleagues. And the working relationship means that, now that they are in the spotlight they cant just do whatever they like.A history about the Arctic Monkeys The band the Arctic Monkeys are a Post-Punk Revivalist band from Sheffield, England. The Band is made up of front man Alex Turner, fellow guitarists Cook, Bassist Nick Anomaly and Drummer prostrate Holders. Bassist Andy Nicholson was the bassist of the band when the band shot to fame in 2006. Incisions reason for leaving the band was that he was suffering from fatigue. But it is now known that Nicholson was paid off by the band after they had found themselves being more of a band with Nick Maloney.We sorts found ourselves in a situation where we wanted to move forward Alex Turner Arctic Monkeys on Split NAME Interview The Arctic Monkeys shoot to fame The Arctic Monkeys where one of the Auks biggest bands in the New Millennium. Their rise began in 2005, when hey started acquire offers from major labels. However the band were sticking to the Post-Punk/linden attitude of a smaller independent music label, as they tended to give the artist creative exemption with their music. l like you, but Im not sure about this bit, and that song could do with this changing And we never listened Alex Turner Arctic Monkeys Biography 2006 Seams Craig think that this was a housewives for the Arctic Monkeys, as if they has of been signed up by a major up fading out. Also their music wouldnt have been original. The market tempts bands to follow the enrol industry money. Those that adopt the success formula may well make it but, whatever the returns, it will be in the knowledge that they sold out their talent Seams Craig Arctic Monkeys Biography 2006 As the Arctic Monkeys had declined offers from major labels, you would think why didnt etc remain an underground band.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Impact of Events on Our Lives

Event gener onlyy refers to any happening or occurrence it meaner any affair significant happened. Event Is a phenomenon, any observable or an extraordinary occurrence. Event Is great way to let member know about upcoming conferences, Events are of many kinds such as a natal day, a wedding, concerts, crock upies etc. Death of some one, or any other incident that has occurred. Events are non necessarily heartfelt and happening but they are bad too.Dep exterminateing on their nature lawsuits effect our lives in many ways such as if something good had happened it will effect us in a positive way similarly if something bad or wrong and depressing had happened then it will be in possession of a negative effect on us. Thus events play a vital role in our lives depending upon their nature and occurrence. Event is something that happens or something that takes place an occurrence, a social gathering or activity may also be termed as an event. LIFE As long as I believe the first event that comes to my mind is entering school and the start tot my school elite.At the age of 4 my preschool started, thus my world enlarged from my home to my school. merging overbold throng and developing raw(a) relations I. E. Relearn of teacher and student, and friendship the most Important aspects of this event. Before joining school the only people knew were my family members and some other relatives but my school broadened my social circle which then included my teachers, my friends and many other people who accompanied me from my way to school and home, which predominantly include my bus fellows.Thus this event gave me knowledge, developed thinking abilities in me. And gave me a vision to enlighten my life with the power of knowledge. It gave me an understanding o meet new people. Know them and most important of all it blessed me with gift of friends who are an Important part of my life, with whom I played, shared my ol particularory modalitys, sometime had fights but at the end everything was perfectly fine. After 5th standard I had to move over to another school which again was another event regarding my educational life.Initially there was a fear of the new environment, new people and obviously the new class, but there was no way out rather than to prepare my self for the new school. So there came a day when I said bye to my old school and entered ewe one, here there was more strictness regarding deadlines and the load of find out also Increased. But It took no time to me to adjust In the environment the major reason was again finding new friends who help me, took care of me and were eternally there for me when I needed them. This event my learning abilities and also developed in me sportsman sprit as during this time actively participated in sports.Then this chapter life had to loaded with the open of new event that was to enter collage this event again added to my experience, knowledge and skills, with the placement of colonization abilities and confidence to meet new people and demo new challenges. The breathtaking event that happened during this time was the earthquake and disasters of 8th October. It shocked me from inside as I saw the demolished houses, schools and other buildings, crying mothers, cheering children and needy people, to be kind to all man beingnesss and to affirm faith in ALLAH and also it strengthened my believe as a Muslim that everything in this world is temporary.There were many other events that remained a part of my academic categorys which are top positions in class and getting trophies as a reward. This gave me and my family a lot of happiness as well it gave me motivation to work harder and to become regular and responsible. There were many sports events which gave me pride whenever I succeed and in trip of failure I learned to never be in despair but to try and try Picnics, welcome and farewell parties were also a part of this. They were again. Always a source of Joy, and they made m e fresh.I am the oldest among my siblings thus the births of all my siblings were most Joyous events of my life. These events brought a sense of responsibility in me as being elder it was my duty to take care of y younger brothers and sisters. These events also taught me to be kind and gentle towards younger, and they also made me very playful, as performing with my younger siblings was and still is an important activity in my life. The yearly event of everyones life is the arrival of his or her birthday.So in my life too each birthday brings loads of love, blessings and happiness in my life. The wishes of my parents, siblings, friends and all other people make me feel their love, affection and care towards me and I feel blessed the whole year long as I have the feeling that their love ND prayers are always with me. My excitement increases many folds if someone celebrates my birthday. Other than excitement birthday brings some maturity in me as I think about the year I have passed and critically analyzed whatever I have done.I cheer upon my successes and learn from the mistakes. Marriages of my close relatives are also very exciting events. Such event give source of Joys and celebrations, moreover, there is a chance of contact those relatives with whom I havent met for a long time. Thus these events remind me of our traditions and leave me fresh and happy. The arrival of Ramadan and the celebrations of two aids are also very important events in my life. In the month of Ramadan Allah showers His blessings upon us.Thus in Ramadan I have the feeling of being blessed, I abstain myself from those things that are disliked by Allah and I find apparitional peace. Aids are wonderful and exciting events, getting new clothes, meeting people after a long time, get-together and rejoicing the old memories are all part of my did. Thus my energy is boost up, I remain active and happy. One sad event that I recall is when my aunt had brain eject and is now paralyzed. I was very depressed those days and felt very bad for her. With the passage of time everything came back to normal and was l. UT the impact of this event stayed, as I learned to take care of patients, to serve and to entertain them, to make them simile so that they forget their worries and pain and get a feeling that they are not alone, people love them and care for them. There is another sad event that I remember is my aunts death. Her death was a shock for all of us as Just a day before her death she came to our house and spent the whole day with us, we had the lunch together and she talked to us for a ere long time and then after having tea with us in the evening she left.We had a great time with her and the very next day when we were talking about her suddenly we came to know about her death, this news was a great shock for all of us and none of us was ready to admit the fact that she is no more with us. Her sudden death a life that is afterwards. This event also helped me to become a good Muslim and a good human being. These were some of the vital events, I have come across and they have indeed left a mark on my feelings, behavior and response towards accepted scenarios.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Computer Can Replace Teacher Essay

There are some innovation and technology enthusiasts who claim that com limiter-based learning will soon replace instructors. Just take a appear at some recent op-eds by Andy Kessler and Richard Galant. They point to the accessibility of information via the Internet and the recent advances in online instruction and adaptive learning as harbingers of teacher obsolescence. These assertions are alarming to those who advocate the importance of teachers, like Diane Ravitch and Wendy Kopp. They point to a strong body of research that affirms the importance of good teachers. So how do we pay off sense of this war of words and tumult of opinions? To one degree or anformer(a), both sides are overlooking important considerations. Those who proclaim that computers will replace teachers oft naively reduce teaching to mere instruction and assessment. In doing so, they forget the true breadth and complexity of the joke teachers perform. Computers are becoming better at providing customized di rect instruction and at assessing student mastery of foundational knowledge and skills. But good teachers do much more than present information and drill the fundamentals. High-quality teachers fleet their students through activities and projects that stretch them to analyze, synthesize, and apply what they have learned across academic subjects and into the real world.They provide personalized, qualitative feedback to help students reveal their critical and creative thinking. They shape a classroom culture that intrinsically motivates students by honoring their hard work and by making academic achievement socially relevant. Going preceding(prenominal) and beyond the call of duty, many of the take up teachers are driven by a whatever-it-takes attitude to ensure that all their students receive the resources and support needed to put them on a path to success in life. Those human aspects of good instruction are not going to be replaced by machines anytime soon. On the other side o f the debate, those who emphasize the importance of traditional teachers often do not notice how unrealistic it is to provide high-quality teachers at scale in the current large model of classroom-based instruction. They overlook the fact that the breadth and complexity of the job of good teaching makes it nearly impossible for most teachers to do all of the critical aspects of their job exceptionally well. Teachers are expected to design and execute daily lesson plans for multiple hours of the school day, orchestrate student learning activities, administer and grade student assessments, develop and implement efficient and effectiveclassroom procedures, and differentiate their approaches for diverse student needs, all while managing the daily wild cards of student behavior. Additionally, we expect teachers to continue close contact with parents, provide students with social and emotional support, perhaps offer after-school tutoring, sponsor student clubs, coach sports, organize sc hool and community events, and elevate many of our schools administrative duties. With all of these jobs crammed onto their plates, few teachers have the time, stamina, or cognitive and emotional capacity to do each job well. Under these circumstances, is it any admiration that so few teachers fire the results that we demand of them? Exceptional teachers are often put on pedestals in the media and in public debate, but these awesome individuals produce a level of work that is rarely sustainable and certainly not scalable.The model of monolithic classroom instruction from the late 1800s just wasnt designed to allow teachers to meet 21st-century expectations. In fact, traditional classrooms were designed to prepare students for jobs in an industrial economy of the past. To meet this end, the system was set up to process plain homogeneous batches of similarly aged students through one-size-fits-all instruction. Undifferentiated instruction was acceptable back then because students o nly needed to understand math, science, and literature at a C or D level in order to pass quality control, receive their diplomas, and enter the workforce. Teaching might have been a middling manageable job back when these assumptions held true, but in the knowledge-based economy of today, the assumptions no longer hold and teaching becomes a heroic job. Despite the incredible challenges we expect in providing good teachers at scale, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. The educators, innovators, and entrepreneurs that are now experimenting with blended learning are all redesigning our models of instruction. Rather than merely layering technology on top of traditional classrooms, they are leveraging technology to transform the role of teachers, accelerate student learning, and magnify the tint of educators. Blended learning allows much of the work of basic instructionlike drilling multiplication tables or reviewing vocabulary wordsto be offloaded to computers so tha t teachers croupe focus on the aspects of teaching that they find most rewarding, such as mentoring students and facilitating exploratory learning projects. Properly implemented blended learning does not annihilate teachers, but instead go throughs some of the job functions that teachers find most onerous. Technology will not improve our education system if we marginalize or eliminate teachers. Likewise, our education system will not meet modern needs at scale until we innovate beyond the factory-model classroom. Innovation may lead us to classroom setups and teacher roles that look very different from today, but a human element will always be an essential part of the equation. By framing the debate as technology vs. teachers, we create a false dichotomy. Instead, our conversations should focus on finding ways to let technology do what it does best so that we can leverage teachers to do what they do

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Critique of the Short Story Say Goodbye

This paper is shows a critique of the Short Story Say Goodbye. This critique would concentrate on the writing direction of the reason. It would also provide some insights from the proponent of this paper on how the invoice can be related to the way a person live his life. The author of the fiction had appropriately given a title to the story that he had written. It captures the essence of the story and the emotional feel of it. Any ratifier who would read this story would be able to relate to it because the author had been able to show how throng treat life.In the first part of the story, Eileen McCoy is a typical woman who takes everything for granted. She does non worry in addition much about her life because she knows that her best friend Liz is there to take care of her. Eileen did not also feel that there would be something wrong with her life because she had been with James for the past thirty-six years and from the story they had a happy life. Although Eileen loves he r husband, she did not know that something was coming until they went to see the doctor.James McCoy, on the other hand, is a very good example of how the people be imbibe when they feel something wrong with them. In real life, there are some people who evade the topic of having a check-up. Since James was putting off any check-ups from the doctor, he was not able to have his diagnosis early. As a result, it became too late for a treatment that could have prolonged his life. Regrets are always realized when it is too late and this is what the author had shared with the readers. It is well written and the reader can relate easily to how the story was written.The author ended the story in a very good way. The reader can in reality feel the emotion of the two characters at the end of the story. Although the characters did not actually say goodbye, the author did not show how Eileen would have said goodbye to James. This is an forth reform ending where one would imagine James in his de athbed and how Eileen would make the most out of their lives. It is a good strategy to keep the readers think even subsequently the reader had read the story. The theme of the story is given straight to the readers and even though the story is not long, any reader would remember it.This is because what the story provides the reader is a lesson that every person should know which is Live life to the fullest and appreciate what you have. The story could also change lives and open the eyes of the reader. Having a James McCoy as a friend or a family, the reader can actually tell someone they know to watch out for their health because you only have one life. A persons life is always linked to someone and every life is important. If the person wants the people they know dearly to detain happy then he or she must always take care of how they are.A person can make another ones life miserable by just being ill and when a person is gone, the one who suffers most are the ones left behind. A well-written story deserves praise and what matters in a story is the content and not the length. It is good to read short stories such as this one because it is a story which could be happening right this moment. There are people out there who have just been learned things that could change their life forever right this moment. Sharing this story with other readers could help them change how they see life and appreciate it more.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Thousand Acres vs. King Lear Essay

After watching both films, A kB Acres made in 2007 star Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Lange and Jason Robards and King Lear made in 2008 starring Ian McKellen, Frances Barber and Kieran Bew, I decidedly liked A meter Acres much better. Mostly for its acting, and the contemporaneousness of the story line. (Although, a King Lear re-make is in production currently and will star Al Pacino as King Lear, so my opinion is subject to change.) on that point are manhoody similarities between the devil movies. Both movies have a father with three girls, whom are trying to leave something to them. Larry Cook is deciding how to break open his land amongst his daughters, where as King Lear is deciding how to split his kingdom amongst his three daughters. Larry, is Lear. Ginny is Goneral, Rose is Regan and the favourite and youngest daughters, Caroline is Cordelia. Harold Clark, a family friend of Larry, is the portrayal of the Earl of Gloucester, King Lears friend. His two sons are Edgar and Ed mund, and Harolds two sons are Loren and Jess.Though there is a lacking of the comical aspect in A Thousand Acres, that is put in King Lear, the story lines are still very similar. The viewpoint is similar coming from the eldest daughter Ginny(A Thousand Acres) and the eldest daughter Goneril(King Lear.) King Lear divides his kingdom amongst his daughters based on who loves him the most, Larry gives the largest portion of his land to the most loving daughter as well. In each family and storyline, the youngest daughter rebels against their father and ends up leaving, getting nothing from their father. After each father gives up their power/land, they both go mental without it, and both end up in frightful situations that end up with their youngest (and previously most favoured) daughter coming to the rescue.Though there are many similarities, the movies differ in many, many ways. For example Ginny brings up the position her father molested her aswell as her sister Rose, where as G oneril feels nothing but love and admiration for her father. The love is portrayed more innocent and wholesome. Ginny shows howyou could hate her father, for the fact he molested her as a child. King Lear is told from a male perspective, Shakespeare didnt have a female mentality especially not back in that age, not portrayed atleast in this movie. A Thousand Acres is written by a female, and this is why there is a different, more twisted perspective. A female view as well as a males, as she wrote it later on mirroring this novel, she got to put her own two cents in.King Lear is a changed man at the end of the movie. He goes from being a horrible tyrant, to a changed man. Larry? Not so much. He remains a dispicable man, solely caring almost his possessions, power and money, whos attitudes and beliefs never change. Because of the fact that the movies are in two different perspectives, they have different alkalis. Though both hold a theme about the abuse of power, and a theme of abus ive family relationships, as well as father daughter relationships they differ in what the main themes are. A Thousand Acres is about living life to its fullest and for yourself, where as, the main theme of King Lear is family and power.Another difference is the fact the town thought that the daughters of Larry were cruel to him, where in fact they werent. He was respected by his town. King Lear was also a very respected ruler of his lands. However, nobody suspects King Lears daughters of being cruel to him.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Swot Analysis of Indian Economy

stand up Analysis of divers(a) sectors of Indian Economy. The India economy, which is the 9th sizeablest in the innovation in terms of nominal GDP, can be broadly classified into three sectors 1) Primary empyrean or Agriculture domain, which contri scarcees about 15% to the GDP and employs more or less 57% of the total get goingforce. 2) Secondary celestial sphere or Industry sector, which contributes about 28% to the DP and employs around 14% of the workforce. 3) Tertiary Sector or run Sector, which contributes the maximum of 57% to the GDP and employs around 29% of the workforce. prink summary of Agriculture Sector Strengths * The thriving Climate and terrain of the Indian sub-continent makes it suitable for producing a variety of crops. * As it employs majority of population, it enjoys a warring apprehend force. * The agriculture sector in India is competitive and hence evolving, produces a large variety of crops, and enjoys a strong demanded commercializeplace as Indians prefer fresh farm produce over the processed regimen items. Weaknesses- * As the majority of workforce is uneducated, they are not able to make the most out of the brass policies.Moreover, though the government spends enough over the agricultural reforms, but due to the low level of death penalty on their part, it does not produce the desired results. * Due to the lack of proper stor jump on facilities and road connectivity of the farms with the several(prenominal) market, around 60% of the fresh farm produce same vegetables, fruits and so onget wasted. * Since only 40% of the country beneath cultivation gets irrigated through canals, tube wells etc. , the farmers depend hard upon the annual monsoons. Opportunities- A increment population, availability of modern agricultural techniques, easy availability of banking finance, variety of pest resistance crops, approaching up of retail chains and various government schemes and policies, would make both the demand a nd the production go up. * jump off in demand of pulses and grains in the Asian economies, and the production of fuels manage ethanol from grains, provide more(prenominal) market opportunities. Threats- * More and more of the agricultural land is being taken up to meet with the demands of the caparison and industrial sector, thereby reducing land under cultivation. With the incr peacefulness in the purchasing power of the Indians, the case forage constancy is gaining importance in the Indian market, especially in the cities and among the youth. * Some of the government policies worry MGNREGA, is amusing the farm labour to other employment avenues, which could affect the agriculture adversely as it depends heavily on manual labour. * Stiff competition from the international markets, if India opens up the trade barriers in the agriculture sector. SWOT analysis of Industrial Sector Strengths- With over half a billion population in the age gathering of 25-60 years, the indust rial sector enjoys a competitive labour market. * Availability of natural resources, skilled and chintzy manpower, gravid national policies provide the environment for industries to thrive. Weaknesses- * Due to India being a democratic country and a involved economy, the industry has to adhere too many of the protectionist policies of the government, which affects the industry adversely. * The complex labour laws and other policy-making barriers, prevents the industries to work at the best of their efficiency, thus effecting productivity.Opportunities- * With the rise in the incomes of the Indians, especially the Indian middle class, promises a stipendiary domestic market for all the industries. * With the slowdown of the European & American economies, Indian companies should towards the African countries analogous Ghana, Kenya etc. which are growing at a rate of 7-8%. Threats- * Stiff competition from developing economies like China, Bangladesh, Indonesia because of disdain cost of production. * Delay in policy decisions by Indian policy makers, corruption charges and scandals, prevent the ease to do business. Protectionist policies adopted by various European countries and America to safeguard their own interests. SWOT analysis of Service Sector Strengths- * With 64% of the Indian population being educated, the service industry has a large talent poll to work with. * Due to large and skilled work force, the labour market becomes competitive, providing cheap labour. * The Robust Banking and Financial system and regulations, provide stability not only to banking sector but besides to the entire economy. Weaknesses- Too much dependence on America and European economies for business. * The Indigenous footstall of the IT industry is not sufficiently developed to sustain software export. Opportunities- * With the Increased computerization in various mankind and government organization, the Indian IT industry has ready-made domestic market. Threats- * S tiff competition from developing economies like China, Bangladesh, Indonesia because of humble labour. * Due to the economic slowdown, countries like America are adopting policies to prohibit outsourcing, which will affect the IT industry. raise Analysis of Indian EconomySWOT Analysis of various sectors of Indian Economy. The India economy, which is the 9th largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP, can be broadly classified into three sectors 1) Primary Sector or Agriculture Sector, which contributes about 15% to the GDP and employs around 57% of the total workforce. 2) Secondary Sector or Industry sector, which contributes about 28% to the DP and employs around 14% of the workforce. 3) Tertiary Sector or Service Sector, which contributes the maximum of 57% to the GDP and employs around 29% of the workforce.SWOT analysis of Agriculture Sector Strengths * The favourable Climate and terrain of the Indian sub-continent makes it suitable for producing a variety of crops. * As it employs majority of population, it enjoys a competitive labour force. * The agriculture sector in India is competitive and hence evolving, produces a large variety of crops, and enjoys a well demanded market as Indians prefer fresh farm produce over the processed food items. Weaknesses- * As the majority of workforce is uneducated, they are not able to make the most out of the government policies.Moreover, though the government spends enough over the agricultural reforms, but due to the low level of execution on their part, it does not produce the desired results. * Due to the lack of proper storage facilities and road connectivity of the farms with the respective market, around 60% of the fresh farm produce like vegetables, fruits etc get wasted. * Since only 40% of the land under cultivation gets irrigated through canals, tube wells etc. , the farmers depend heavily upon the annual monsoons. Opportunities- A growing population, availability of modern agricultural techniques, easy availability of banking finance, variety of pest resistance crops, coming up of retail chains and various government schemes and policies, would make both the demand and the production go up. * Rise in demand of pulses and grains in the Asian economies, and the production of fuels like ethanol from grains, provide more market opportunities. Threats- * More and more of the agricultural land is being taken up to meet with the demands of the housing and industrial sector, thereby reducing land under cultivation. With the increase in the purchasing power of the Indians, the packaged food industry is gaining importance in the Indian market, especially in the cities and among the youth. * Some of the government policies like MGNREGA, is diverting the farm labour to other employment avenues, which could affect the agriculture adversely as it depends heavily on manual labour. * Stiff competition from the international markets, if India opens up the trade barriers in the agriculture sector. SWOT analysis of Industrial Sector Strengths- With over half a billion population in the age group of 25-60 years, the industrial sector enjoys a competitive labour market. * Availability of natural resources, skilled and cheap manpower, liberal national policies provide the environment for industries to thrive. Weaknesses- * Due to India being a democratic country and a mixed economy, the industry has to adhere too many of the protectionist policies of the government, which affects the industry adversely. * The complex labour laws and other political barriers, prevents the industries to work at the best of their efficiency, thus effecting productivity.Opportunities- * With the rise in the incomes of the Indians, especially the Indian middle class, promises a lucrative domestic market for all the industries. * With the slowdown of the European & American economies, Indian companies should towards the African countries like Ghana, Kenya etc. which are growing at a rate of 7-8%. Threa ts- * Stiff competition from developing economies like China, Bangladesh, Indonesia because of lower cost of production. * Delay in policy decisions by Indian policy makers, corruption charges and scandals, hindering the ease to do business. Protectionist policies adopted by various European countries and America to safeguard their own interests. SWOT analysis of Service Sector Strengths- * With 64% of the Indian population being educated, the service industry has a large talent poll to work with. * Due to large and skilled work force, the labour market becomes competitive, providing cheap labour. * The Robust Banking and Financial system and regulations, provide stability not only to banking sector but also to the entire economy. Weaknesses- Too much dependence on America and European economies for business. * The Indigenous base of the IT industry is not sufficiently developed to sustain software export. Opportunities- * With the Increased computerization in various public and gov ernment organization, the Indian IT industry has ready-made domestic market. Threats- * Stiff competition from developing economies like China, Bangladesh, Indonesia because of lower labour. * Due to the economic slowdown, countries like America are adopting policies to prohibit outsourcing, which will affect the IT industry.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Management Accounting Report Essay

In decision do process ambiguity, variability and uncertainty be often faced. For this basis Risk Analysis is always part of any decision making process. level off if the access to information is unprecedented even then future cant be announceed accurately. For this reason monte Carlo simulation is apply which provides all the possible outcomes of decisions, access the impacts of take a chances and allow better decision making under uncertain situations.four-card monte Carlo SimulationIt is a computerized mathematical technique based on coarse class of computer algorithms which allow people and organisations to count on risks and hence helps in better decision making. Monte Carlo Simulation can also be termed as a problem solving technique to calculate probability of outcomes by using random variables and multiple trials which are termed as simulations (Berg, 2004). Monte Carlo Simulation is utilise by professionals in engineering, medicine, physics, chemists, stray mana gement, manufacturing, research and development, environmental specialists, oil and gas and several melodic line engages. This is a reflective report in which case study of Fennel Design Project of Laura Watson federation is employ to predict the demand of greeting cards. The aim of the report is to speculate the situation of the Fennel Design project and also to provide a base for the companies experiencing these situations.This report uses discrete data of continuous range In this report discrete data of continuous range is used. Example of discrete data is when a fall upon flips in air, it have two possibilities either head or tail. Whereas, a running engine capacity have many temperature changes at different time intervals which is an example of continuous data. Laura Watson is a new company and so can also face these uncertainties as they dont have any belief of when to produce, when to produce, supply and demand analysis and the situation which drives these factors. For this reason Monte Carlo Simulation is used to calculate predicted demand, risk analysis in order to provide company with useful information which then can be utilized to make timely decision making. This report is divided into three main parts.In Monte Carlo Simulation we can take as many amounts of trials to get an accurate answer. But, in the granted casestudy, business managers Alex and Laura took one thousand trials. Number of trials increases the profit probabilities and helps in getting close results and reduces the chances of risks. In this question we have to calculate the price of the cards and for this we used Descriptive Analysis Function in Microsoft Excel. This Function mechanically calculates all statistical data like mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Whereas, in caper two WHAT IF analysis helps us in getting the results within the given number of trials. It creates thee situations or results which are base case scenario, best case scenario and worst case s cenario.When the values of these situations are changed answer automatically changes. It is very helpful for managers in decision making. In task three risk simulation function and random functions are used which makes a balance between mean and standard deviation given in the projected demand. Rand command is used to calculate the cost of parts, random discreet method is used to. Variance Reduction is used to minimize non accurate profits. These all function enables to calculate price and predict risk. In this report every function is calculated independently to make the process easy to recognize and clear. By using Monte Carlo Simulation we have calculated all the possible parameters required in the case study and also predicted the risk. It helps the managers to make quick and accurate decisions.BibliographyBerg, A. B. (2004). Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation and their statistical Analysis. New Jersey World Scientific.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Katie Finn

Everything in her life was working out. She had her three outdo fri stop overs, a brand new colleague, and the lead in the school play. Who was she? Madison MacDonald was the name and she is seriously freaking out. Because perpetually since she got her Friendverse hacked her life went from perfect to terrible. The most damaging secrets are out and Madison was completely overturnd. Now her boyfriend and she are broken up, half the school hates her, and her friends, and shes in it deep. And now she has to figure out who could restrain d one this, try to get her boyfriend back, and clear her name.This book pursues place at first, Spring fall flat with Madison, the main character or Protagonist shes on break and her parents have decided to take her to the Galapagos Islands for the whole break. But when she returns and checks her Friendverse, her profile had been turned inside out. And then the setting in the main happens at her school. The image of the book would make you exper ience the feelings of the main character. Its mainly confusion, anger, and wonder. Because you would wonder who and why would try to sabotage Madison and be confused to what was their motive.The anger was mainly just now all around Madison as she tried to get people to understand she was hacked, but yet nobody would believe her. Well, it seems that the Antagonists are Ruth, her scoop out Friend since Middle School, and her PC repair dude, Dell, a good friend of her, were the ones who hacked her profile. The Dynamic character was mostly Madison. Because as she learned and searched for answers, she became more mature and took total responsibility for the hack, because it was partly her fault too. Shy, another one of Madisons closest friends, and Lissa, are the Static characters because they stayed the same through out the whole account.Releted undertake An Empty Purse Frightens A bearing FriendsShy was the one who had multiple personalities, (Round Character) and Lissa mainly had one. (Flat Character) This story mainly was validating Characterization you had to pick out how they were by how they acted. The author never really told you how they were. The point of view of the story is 1st person, because Madison was speaking as if we were in a movie watching things happen. Conflict was immaterial she was up against Person and Society. Because she was up against people and pretty much felt like it to her, the world.Themes/Motifs is Coming of Age, she has swelled so much form beginning to end. And she discovered that her best friend had destroyed her relationship with her boyfriend because she had a crush on him. That she was jealous of her and that she was sick of everyone believing the fake Mad. But in the end Madison solved the problem but tape recording everything they both said and reported it. And as well she apologized to all her friends and people who were involved in this hack. She admitted that she has talked behind their backs and shouldnt have.Wh en she did this she felt of relief, had no more guilt, and a lot of pressure and drama lifted off her back. In my opinion, I liked this book. Because this book unploughed you wondering who did it, why, what was their motive and how they hacked Madisons Friendverse. And the suspense was good too, one moment youre just reading about how they got hacked and you think you have an idea to who it is then, you get hit with who it really was and you get surprise at the result. But Madison found a way to get her life back to the way she wanted it and gained some new friends along the way.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Effects on Relationships Among Adolescents Essay

Chyril Lou T. Caia February 6, 2013 BSAC-I-ACA 921AM Area Exposure I interviewed a woman whose age is 43, single, from Isla Puntod Balulang. She survived the Sendong disaster with the help of God as intimately as opposite people around her. She has many relatives as well as cousins who survived the sending tragedy and luckily no one died in her family when the tragedy occurred. The basic information she gave was that because of the hanging bridge many of her cousins as well as herself survived the occurring tragedy while her clothes as well as the others were already wet and dirty. The tragedy started at about 900 in the evening she said when water levels were increasing up to the calves and were at a safety zone at 200 AM and there she and the group of survivors were taken to Xavier senior high for immediate recovery as well as shelter.Her life before the tragedy was easier she said as well as the way she will cope up in order to forget the tragedy is to work hard and start a ne w life with the blessings God gave her as well as the help that was effrontery to her as well. She also said that if it had not been for the dog that was scratching her face she wouldve been unused because she was asleep sadly the dog died in the tragedy that keep upd her. Now that I have comprehend her story as well as understood what she experienced I now have the perspicacity that the cause of grief and sadness is not because of God but the way we act according to our ways as people living right now because we people take for granted what God has given as such as nature and the living things living in and with nature.We people corrupt because of avarice and other vices and sins and because of this some suffer and if not all of us. While it is unbecoming for us to be more than(prenominal) and more undisciplined because of todays present situation as well as keep distress and poverty of our countrys people we must shed light to the truth in order of us to be saved as well as learn how to become more humanly as well as more understanding and caring for each individuals needs as well as our environment by starting to be more aware of what will observe if we dont pick up our trashes and garbages and recycle them properly.For it has been stated in Isaiah 457 I form the light, and create darkness I make peace, and create evil I the Lord do all these things. What it means for me is that this correlates to Gods people being obedient olibanum God rewards them with prosperity and blessings as well as if the people as disobeying Gods commands as well as his teachings then God will give way to disasters and strife if we disobey and cut through with our disobedience with him. For we people are the stewards of Gods creation and we must do what we can to save ourselves as well as the world.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and Their Effects

Vietnam has a dewy-eyed variety of righteousnesss practiced in their clownish. Nine point three percent of Vietnams population ar Buddhist, cardinal point seven-spot percent are Catholic, One point five percent are Hoa Hao, iodin point wholeness percent are Cao Dai. Less than star percent are Protestant and Muslim. blush though Vietnam has a lot of variety of religions oer eighty percent claim no religion (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). however thought there is a wide variety of religions in Vietnam, most of the population who live there view a sense of the richness and variety of traditional Vietnamese religion.In cured tradition the majority of Vietnamese people believed they inhabited a world alive with gods and spirits. They didnt make a mark of the living world and the spirit or dead world. They also didnt make a distinction between the world human beings, nature, vegetable, an animal. the believed that the energy of these worlds are all connected. Because of t his religion be givens a large break down in the daily life of a Vietnamese person. In addition, your social status also affects how and what you believe. or example, Confucian scholars, who prided themselves for their rationality, often scoffed at what they considered the superstitious nature of peasant religion. But they, also had religious believes that they lived by. Where you become also determines what you believe. Fisher men, were notorious for the variety and richness of their whimseys. Some beliefs were shared by all Vietnamese. Others were adhered to only in one region or a small locality. Some were so deeply embedded in the culture as to be considered a part of tradition, holding sway over believers and non-believers alike.Maybe because of the many religions or the way the Vietnamese people think, religion doesnt play a handsome part in their republic as a whole, but it does play a big part in the lives of the citizens of Vietnam. Even though, half(a) of the world s population lives in The Asia region people arent migrating to Vietnam (Stephen Castles, 2009). Vietnam is a very traditional country with allot of unalike ethnic groups. Vietnam is home to fifty-four official ethnic groups, the majority of which live in highland areas. Although roughly large groups such as, the Cham or Chinese, live in lowlands or urban areas.I bequeath go over a couple of the most known ethnic groups. There are eighty-five point seven percent of the Vietnamese are Kinh, which is said to be the native people of Vietnam. There are one point nine percent Tay people, who originates from the Chinese side of the Vietnamese Chinese border. One point eight percent are Thai and are from Thailand. One point five percent are Muong which are the people who live in the mountains in Vietnam, and Khmer who come from Cambodia. One point two percent are Mong and they come from Mongolia. Less than one percent are Nung which are considered to be the poor people of Vietnam.The hold up five point three percent are labeled as other (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). close people in Vietnam are natives to that land but their ancestors migrated from china long ago. Because of this migration doesnt play a big part in Vietnams present but it does play a big part in its history. Even though they have been ruled by other countries most of the time, they kept a strong belief in their country and culture. Migration in Asia isnt a new thing for them. Asians from these regions have been migrating for centuries. But in the mid-seventies and 1980s, international migration from Asia grew dramatically.The main destinations were North America, Australia, and the oil economies of the heart and soul East. Since the 1990s, migration within Asia has bewildern, particularly from less-developed countries with massive labor surpluses to strong- maturation newly industrializing countries (Stephen Castles, 2009). In todays society migration has dropped. The reason for this is t he Asian government wanted to control migration and migration rights were limited. They also do migration temporary in that region so people were prohibited to have family reunions.Even though migration has dropped, emigration has come up six percent over the past ten years (Stephen Castles, 2009). There are about 2. 6 one thousand million people leaving Asia to look for work. In the 21st century over 6 million Asians are employed outside of their own countries within the Asian region. This has grown a great make do since the 1980s and has suspensored the Asian region grow. A lot of Asias were able to find work in the Middle East after the oil prices rose in 1973. This also contributed to the migration and emigration in Vietnam. The referred to these workers as carry labor.The companies that employed them made it clear that they couldnt bring family with them. In the 70s most of the works who migrated were male so the men of the house had to leave their families just to find w ork and provide for them. In the 1980s the economy was ripening so rapidly and fertility was declining it cause a strong demand for labor workers. Even though they in Asia, most of the workers arent Asian. While existing flows from countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines have continued, new source countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma have become more significant (Stephen Castles, 2009).In the 1990s there was a demand for female person person domestic workers that started in the Middle East and then Asia. If women didnt work in the domestic sector they often had the typical female jobs. Some examples of these jobs are entertainers(mostly prostitutes), restaurant and hotel staff, and assembly line workers in clothing or electronics. These jobs were poor paying(a) and had terrible conditions. They were also associated with patriarchal stereotypes of female docility, obedience, and willingness to give personal services (Stephen Castles, 2009).Another big form of female migration in Asia is female migration marriage. Since the 1900s, foreign brides have been sought out by farmers in areas likes Japan and Taiwan. This is one of the only permanent forms of immigration in Asia that is permitted. From the Asian government sand point it seem that these practices with women help their country, but it is sexist and will put the government in a terrible situation with women rights groups. The potpourri in the religion and culture have shaped the Vietnamese people into who they are today.Even though it doesnt play a big part in the economy or government, religion is still a big part of the lives of the Vietnamese citizen. The religion is mixed in with their culture which makes the citizens of Vietnam a pride people. With the ever growing Asian economy Vietnam is in a good place to grow also. Even though the country has had allot of adversity, it has overcome it all. In the future maybe they will work on their womens rights issues and continu e to grow its economy. If that is done I have no doubt that the citizens of Vietnam will be happy and the economy will grow. ?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Thomas Edison- Invention of the Kinetoscope- The role it played in Essay

Thomas Edison- initiation of the Kinetoscope- The role it played in education of Cinema - Essay ExampleAmongst the technologies that Edison invention was the Kinetoscope, which completely changed exposure coverage in movies resulting into motion pictures. This paper explores Edisons invention of the Kinetoscope and the role it played in development of Cinema before 1980.Prior to the invention of the Kinetoscope, the filming industry was devoid of motion pictures. Movie fanatics in the modern world greatly enjoy clear and perfect images of popular movie stars and blockbusters, which make movies more(prenominal) appealing to the eye than ever before, thanks to the invention by an iconic inventor, Thomas Edison. The history of prove exhibition can be traced back to the invention of Kinetograph camera by Edison in his research laboratories amid 1887 and 1891.1 The Kinetograph was a famous device for capturing of images up to the year 1896. The Kinetograph was unable to project film s and the viewing of motion pictures. The Kinetoscope, a peeping-gadget, enabled the viewing of motion pictures in the Kinetograph, but the viewing was limited to one person for a contract duration.2 The compact design of the kinetoscope restricted the duration of the early films to 50 feet, which was a commercial limitation. 3In 1883, Edison recruited an assistant, William K.L Dickson and later shifted to West Orange from Menlo Park in 1887 where Edison built a massive research and sample laboratory from where he worked under the motivation of Marey and Muybridge. At West Orange laboratory, Dickson conducted most of the research work, which utilize the phonograph techniques developed earlier.4 Edison travelled to Europe on august 2, 1889 to see the outcomes Jules Mareys roll-film Chronophotographe experiment. In 1890, Sacco Albanese, an employee at one of Edisons laboratories became the first person to use cylinder technology in filming. However, the method exhibited huge limit ations in its displays and the quality of the images were poor leading to the rejection of the

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Compensation and Benefits System of Holland Enterprises Research Paper

The Compensation and Benefits System of Holland Enterprises - Research Paper ExampleCompensation and benefits system do not only include the rewards and benefits given by the cheek in monetary terms but non-monetary rewards alike(p) health insurance, vacation, sick leave etc be also included in it. Increasing the earnings and benefits could outgrowth the motivation of employees but from the perspective of organization it could increase the cost and thus reduce the profitability, therefore, human alternative department should come up with a system that ensures a healthy and constructive environment is construct and maintained and at the same time profitability of the organization is not hurt. Compensation and benefits offered by the organizations should be evaluated and employees that give more efforts should be rewarded accordingly. There are more than 3,500 employees employed at Holland Enterprises. an grave face as better compensation helps in improving the productiv ity of the employees and as the productivity of the organization improves, it ordain help the companion in generating more sales or increasing its revenues. There are 2 important aspects that the organization has to look while giving high compensation and benefits to employees the first one is that higher compensation helps in improving the sales of the company, however, the second aspect of increasing the compensation is that it increases the cost of the company and therefore it might not lead to improving the profitability (Spector, 2006). Human resource is the most important resource of any organization regardless of what kind of products or services the company offers, therefore, it is important to encounter the needs of human resource and to provide them effective compensation and benefits so that they remain motivated as well as productive (Hurtz, & Donovan, 2000). It is important to provide employees market competitive salary so that they are able to retain employees. Ho lland Enterprises has lost a large number of employees since 2007 because of their compensation and benefits system as the compensation offered by the company is unfair and the company does not reward the employees accordingly, therefore, several employees have resigned from Holland Enterprises. principle components of a typical compensation and benefits system There is no perfect compensation and benefits system that every organization can adapt. Compensation and benefits system has to change according to the specific situation and specific organizational culture.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Managing Data Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Data fitting - Essay ExampleIn the task, we listened to a short BBC Radio 4 programme part entitle More or Less. The show is a series about statistics. It discusses the use and abuse of statistics in modern applications. In the show modern media of password communications like TV news, radio news and newspapers, are looked at by people. It majorly tackles statistics involved in these news communication media and after listening to the segment we were required to carry out a number of tasks.First was to listen to the segment attentively and give rise notes on information we got from it. It had no particular area where we had to make notes on, but we were required to put cut down anything important that we retained from the show. This was important since questions from the subject being talked about in the show would be asked. fetching enough and accurate points from the show was, therefore, important since it would determine how one performed on the questions asked after the show. At the close of the show, the class was presented with a couple of questions based on the subject on the segment. One was required to do in accordance to what we heard and put down notes on from the show. The topic was on low efficacy light bulbs, and we were required to answer questions on the subjectBy the end of the workshop, the student was to be able to precisely describe the construction of the table in full. Also, to outline why the tables actor combined discrete pieces of data found in the table. The student was to be able to explain why data collection was done in the offshoot place and what the hypothesis being tested (Ras, 2009).The first task of the workshop was that we were required to form two or three meetings depending on the class size. Then, in each of groups formed we select one student who would work on describing the tabular data. The other members of the group would

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Catholic Pro-Life Declaration of Rights for Unborn Babies Essay

Catholic Pro-Life Declaration of Rights for Un born(p) Babies - Essay ExampleIt cannot be violated and denied by reason nor expediency nor whatever device that human being can invent to tresspass life as the mental hospital was made for life to blossom, so should it remain for as long as the Grace of the Lord permitteth. That when man in its senselessness tresspasseth such a gift, to deprive those who are yet unborn to grace the range of this earth and to breath, it is now become a duty of the faithful especially the flock of the Holy Catholic Church with the blessing of the Pope to safeguard such life, to ensure its perpetuity by asserting in all avenues the right of the unborn. This is now necessary for when man is left to its own devices, it subject Gods Will to bring life as his preporagative and play god to elect who will be born and who will not. To prove this, let this be facts be known that the faitful may see the Light.Their reasoning brings unwarranted anxiety to the p eople in their assertion that more life will cause poverty, illness and complaint which is preposterous. The earth is bountiful to support life and if there is such poverty, illness and malady, it is brought by the same folly of man like corruption, incompetence and sheer lack of compassion towards his fellowThat the majority of those who opposes the right of chela to be born, causes unjust vexation to the faithfuls, whose meekness they take advantage of, as they only reiterate the magnificence of life. That without that reiteration and assertion to life, even them who opposess life will not even be present to manufacture such opposition.Be let it known then, that we the faithfuls, of the Congregation of the Holy Mother Catholic Church, stand in steadfast, to defend those who cannot defend themselves. To not let that right to be born be trampled because they are not yet around to make themselves known. To this end, with the magnanimity of our purpose and with the blessings of the Holy Catholic

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Inflation Control by Government of UK Economy Essay

Inflation swan by Government of UK Economy - Essay ExampleThe rate of overall fixed capital validation in the UK is depressed by the very low level of public investment.During the 1970s and much of the mid-eighties the UK endured persistently high pretentiousness. Despite high levels of unemployment, wage increases in the 1980s exceeded productivity growth, provoking slopped upward pressure on outlays. The boom of the slow 1980s created a new inflationary surge, painfully rigled only by high interest evaluate and the early 1990s recession. Since then, however, the UKs inflation performance has modify markedly. The government has preferred measure of inflation, the RPIX (which excludes mortgage interest payments), has fluctuated within a narrow range in recent years and even came in below the official central charge of 2.5% in 1999-2001. Meanwhile, inflation as measured by the EUs harmonised index averaged just 1.2% over 2001, the lowest rate in the EU.Two aspects of the UK s recent inflation performance are worth recording, however. The first is that there has been a important divergence since mid-1998 between goods and service sector inflation, with the latter accounting for most of the increase in the consumer price index. In fact, in many parts of the goods sector (notably clothing, footwear and audio-visual equipment) prices actually fell in 2000 and 2001. A second aspect worth noting is the sharp (and probably unsustainable) appreciation of sterlings trade-weighted exchange rate since 1996, which has exerted considerable down pressure on import prices.This paper discusses the inflation control methodologies in United Kingdom from 1994 to 2004. It shall to a fault discuss how UK has managed its inflation in the last few decades. The paper shall also provide recommendations for inflation control by effective governance. Historical Monetary and Fiscal policies of UKMonetary policyThe UK has experimented with numerous frameworks for monetary policy over the past 15 years. In the 1980s, the Conservative government tried in vain to rear various measures of the money supply, before deciding to target the exchange rate. After tracking the D-mark in the late 1980s, the UK joined the EUs exchange-rate mechanism (ERM) in October 1990, only to be ejected two years later, in September 1992, when unsound pressures forced sterling out of the ERM. Following its exit, the UK was one of the first OECD countries to adopt inflation control. An inflation target range of 1-4% was initially set, but responsibility for setting interest rates remained with the government.When the Labour government came to actor in 1997, its first significant decision was to grant operational independence for setting interest rates to a newly constituted Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) within the Bank of England. The responsibility fo

Friday, May 10, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rhetorical compend - Essay ExampleThe try or denomination of Craig chocolate-brown was not intended for the medical examination fraternity because it did not spoke of any revolutionary research or life changing findings in the medical field besides rather the quandary that confronts the physician when they try to extend the life of a application using the advances in medical technology. He introduced himself and what he does by using metaphors as he narrates the complexity of his job from being an obstetrician where fresh-faced tulips are popping up at all hours (which is not his specialty) to sightedness patients of all ages until he touched on taking care for threadworn elderly, those facing an eternal winter with no green in sight, is definitely the most difficult thing I do. He introduced himself as a medical doctor not by enumerating his credentials but rather by narrating in a literary manner the dilemmas he faced as a physician which gave face and feelings to the co mmerce that the readers can easily relate and sympathize. In a way, the article was a human interest essay because it emphasized the humane aspect of taking care the elderly from the power point of view of a doctor. Dr. Craig Browns human interest approach in the article made him more credible two as a doctor and a writer. This is because he showed that he does not only knows his job very(prenominal) well but also knows the human aspect of it and the dilemmas that accompanies in treating patient who are already in their twilight years. His moral superlative and credibility became more pronounced that served as an ethos of the article and elevated his stature as an powerity who knows the subject as well as the human aspect of it. Thus, it impresses to the reader that he is not only a competent but compassionate as well which made the article c miss if not endearing to the readers. During the duration of the article, one can readily observe that the essay is replete with heart w renching scenario in elderly care that the reader can almost feel the result of the doctor as he attends to the patient. This is the use of emotion in the article as rhetorical hammer of pathos or emotional appeal. After establishing credibility and getting the interest of the reader in his original and flowery introduction, the author begun narrating his case by capitalizing on the emotional aspect of his job in relations with elderly who are in their twilight years as the pathos. It is obviously noticeable that even if the author spoke of diseases and medical condition, he did not dwell deep on medical terms but instead used words that are common to the readers such as arthritis, diabetes to avoid distracting the readers with jargon and lose the emotional appeal of the article which explains why the approach was very powerful. The author did not argue by capitalizing on his credentials but persuaded the reader on his point of view by narrating the emotional dilemma that doctor s feel when attending to these patients that sometimes, living in agony is worse than death itself. Perhaps the doctor knows that he may be questioned as a practicing physician if he will argue his main point that prolonging life in pain worse than dying itself. As a physician, he is sworn to Hippocratic Oath or in Dr. Craigs words, he is in a do no persecute business and arguing that old people are better off to accept death as they come than suffer a long agonizing life may not

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Theories Of International Relations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theories Of International Relations - Assignment ExampleThe theory says that all conveys ar equal, and no state hind end purport to direct the affairs of an different(prenominal) country (Slaughter, pp 2-7). Due to this independence from each other, the states are never interested in the happenings of another state. This theory can be seen as a stainless case of self-preservation by the individual states. Therefore, one state can never subordinate its needs or interest, or jeopardize its interest be they economic or political in favor of another states interest. Each state leave behind, in that locationfore, do all it can to put itself in a position where it can protect itself from extinction. The theory further shows that there is little trust between and among states to assist each other in the event of a crisis (Walts, P.27).Constructivism is a theory that is based on interest and objects of states in the world. unalike neorealism of s. Constructivism to of is by of in of th eirs. It is not therefore, a case of utilitarianism but one for shared goals. The theory explains that there are many reasons why states go out cooperate with each other. For instance where the security country in jeopardy the other countries likely assist in that state and evidence that and the supporting states acting self-preservation (Behrahesh, space-reflection symmetry 5-7).Ministry of defense (2014) show that as the times change, there will be more insecurity will as a result of state attaching a lot of importance to the ideologies on the two issues. The states will run for to be more independent and therefore engage in detrimental activities. The states will tend to be more defensive, and the role of the UN will be peripheral as states attempt to safeguard their position. This would be a manifestation of neorealism where each state formulates its ideologies regardless of the effect it may have on the states (Ministry of defense, 2014 pp, 16).

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Introduction and Outline on ;Measles Outbreak in America Research Paper

Introduction and Outline on measles Outbreak in America - Research Paper ExampleThis is an outline of some of the major(ip) areas in the research paper, Measles Outbreak in America.Reasons for Vaccination- These are identified as some of the primary(prenominal) reasons why American parents should have their children vaccinated against measles, which also aids in taking care of mumps and rubella. It is a highly contagious disease, and for that reason, individuals must be vaccinated against it to prevent a pandemic from happening.Reasons against Vaccination- These beat the highly controversial issues that try to insinuate that the vaccinum for measles is slowly giving American children other(a) ailments, for example autism. This is the biggest challenge when it comes to the vaccination process, where the public is ignorant of what is meant to benefit the entire population, and is slowing the process of eradicating this disease.Factors leash to the differences of opinion- Differen t research studies that indicate the MMR vaccine is harmful may be among the top reasons why the vaccine is under so much scrutiny. The lack of information also plays a herculean role in reducing the knowledge-base of most Americans when it comes to measles and the vaccine meant to protect the population against it.Recommendations- By identifying what needs to be make in terms of sensitization, the American public can be made aware of what is crucial for their survival, and those of their children. Measles is a killer disease and a high number of most cases can be puzzle out if only the public was educated on the subject of vaccination. The health sector may have its engage cut out for them, especially when the population is not aware that what they think is right may truly kill them in the end.Conclusion- Assuming that measles is non-existent does not make it so. People are being infected with this disease, because they chose to assume it was eradicated.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Thomas Jeffersons two terms in office Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thomas Jeffersons two terms in office - Essay ExampleThomas Jeffersons two terms in office upper-case letter had constraint the operations of the court to deliver justice to all Americans by allowing it to be overly influenced by federalists. Jefferson succeeded in eliminating federal influences in the judiciary by making the Supreme Court independence. The independence of the judiciary was a critical aspect in Americas rise to a justly state. His invention to repeal the 1801 Judiciary Act, remove judges untrustworthy judges from office, and eliminate district courts from the judicial social organisation were motivated by his intention to see an efficient and effective judicial system that functions within the budgeted expenditures (Bailey, 2001). He also ensured that the executives operate within the constitutional frameworks and are non-partisan in their actions as this was critical to Americas growth.Additionally, Jefferson was committed to strengthening the nations economy thr ough elimination of debt and superfluous taxes that were deemed offensive and unreasonably burdened struggling Americans. He saw a ballooning study debt as a sink of bigoted patronage (Denson, 2001). Unlike Washington, Jefferson believed that the nation could build foreign credit without carrying a huge national debt. However, I believe that his misdoing came in during the Louisiana Purchase when he candidly violated his powers and borrowed gold from England just now to reimburse with treasury bonds which particularly increased the states external debt as it is equaled to debt.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Green Technology and Sustainable Development Research Paper

Green Technology and Sustainable Development - Research Paper recitationThe concentrated solar precedent integrates the use of mirrors and lenses, for purposes of creating a large surface area of sunlight, into a little beam, therefore converting the dexterity, into electric zippo. This animation is always used in large power plants. The first solar power plant came into existence in the year 1980s. The plant was called Solar Energy Generating Systems, and was in California. This is the largest power installation system in the world (Cummings, 2012).This is because the plant has the capacity of producing 354 megawatts of solar power. There is no former(a) solar plant in the world that produces solar energy, of such kind of a magnitude. Another solar plant is in the process of whirl, and is situated in California. The power plant has the capacity of producing 550 megawatts of solar energy (Tumber, 2012). This is a solar plant that will use photovoltaic energy. Other solar plant s, under construction in California are the Topaz solar farm, the Blythe Solar power project, and the Ivanpah solar power facility. solely this are photovoltaic solar plants under construction in California. However, there exist photovoltaic solar panels in America that are in use (Sussman, 2012). These are the Copper Mountain Solar facility, in Nevada, and the Long Island Solar Farm, in New York. The two have a capacity of producing solar energy to the tune of 48 and 37 megawatts of electricity, respectively. This paper focuses on Photovoltaic industry, as an element of solar energy production. The Solar energy industry association estimates the number of jobs created by the industry to stand at round 25000 people.This amounted to an approximate number of 100,000 people as of August 2011. This people work in the sales and diffusion department, installation, project development, finance, and research and development (Hess, 2012). This number of employees amount to less that 1% of United

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Marketing Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Financial Services - Essay ExampleThe world(a) banks also make haste expats with valuable consulting services which will assist expats to enhance their financial positions. The various services which are offered by global banks include banking products as well(p) as services in varied international securities industry segments. The services, as well as the products, are offered in major currencies facilitating expats with better financial services in developed parts of the world. Furthermore, expats are also provided with the superior quality of financial services such as easy access as well as enhanced control over bank depend with the assistance of online banking and telephonic services. The expats are also facilitated with valuable advisory services in relation to enthronization as well as mortgage services from specialists and trained advisers (Barclays, n.d.).The above-mentioned services are offered by global banks to expats with the intention of acquiring huge fu nds of financial resources from expats as they are highly masterly professionals who are sent to foreign countries by their companies. In this regard, expats are usually highly salaried. Global banks intrust to acquire these funds of expats with the motive of raising their financial leverages. In the greater number of instances, it is also accepted that Expats earnings are higher in comparison to local employees. These funds of expats are utilized by global banks for investing in other sectors in order to improve their financial positions as well as ensure better circulation of financial resources. All these aspects will facilitate global banks in up(p) their financial positions as well as competitiveness. This is one of the factors or reasons for attracting expats to open the account with a global company (Telegraph Media Group Limited, 2011).