Thursday, May 16, 2019

Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and Their Effects

Vietnam has a dewy-eyed variety of righteousnesss practiced in their clownish. Nine point three percent of Vietnams population ar Buddhist, cardinal point seven-spot percent are Catholic, One point five percent are Hoa Hao, iodin point wholeness percent are Cao Dai. Less than star percent are Protestant and Muslim. blush though Vietnam has a lot of variety of religions oer eighty percent claim no religion (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). however thought there is a wide variety of religions in Vietnam, most of the population who live there view a sense of the richness and variety of traditional Vietnamese religion.In cured tradition the majority of Vietnamese people believed they inhabited a world alive with gods and spirits. They didnt make a mark of the living world and the spirit or dead world. They also didnt make a distinction between the world human beings, nature, vegetable, an animal. the believed that the energy of these worlds are all connected. Because of t his religion be givens a large break down in the daily life of a Vietnamese person. In addition, your social status also affects how and what you believe. or example, Confucian scholars, who prided themselves for their rationality, often scoffed at what they considered the superstitious nature of peasant religion. But they, also had religious believes that they lived by. Where you become also determines what you believe. Fisher men, were notorious for the variety and richness of their whimseys. Some beliefs were shared by all Vietnamese. Others were adhered to only in one region or a small locality. Some were so deeply embedded in the culture as to be considered a part of tradition, holding sway over believers and non-believers alike.Maybe because of the many religions or the way the Vietnamese people think, religion doesnt play a handsome part in their republic as a whole, but it does play a big part in the lives of the citizens of Vietnam. Even though, half(a) of the world s population lives in The Asia region people arent migrating to Vietnam (Stephen Castles, 2009). Vietnam is a very traditional country with allot of unalike ethnic groups. Vietnam is home to fifty-four official ethnic groups, the majority of which live in highland areas. Although roughly large groups such as, the Cham or Chinese, live in lowlands or urban areas.I bequeath go over a couple of the most known ethnic groups. There are eighty-five point seven percent of the Vietnamese are Kinh, which is said to be the native people of Vietnam. There are one point nine percent Tay people, who originates from the Chinese side of the Vietnamese Chinese border. One point eight percent are Thai and are from Thailand. One point five percent are Muong which are the people who live in the mountains in Vietnam, and Khmer who come from Cambodia. One point two percent are Mong and they come from Mongolia. Less than one percent are Nung which are considered to be the poor people of Vietnam.The hold up five point three percent are labeled as other (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). close people in Vietnam are natives to that land but their ancestors migrated from china long ago. Because of this migration doesnt play a big part in Vietnams present but it does play a big part in its history. Even though they have been ruled by other countries most of the time, they kept a strong belief in their country and culture. Migration in Asia isnt a new thing for them. Asians from these regions have been migrating for centuries. But in the mid-seventies and 1980s, international migration from Asia grew dramatically.The main destinations were North America, Australia, and the oil economies of the heart and soul East. Since the 1990s, migration within Asia has bewildern, particularly from less-developed countries with massive labor surpluses to strong- maturation newly industrializing countries (Stephen Castles, 2009). In todays society migration has dropped. The reason for this is t he Asian government wanted to control migration and migration rights were limited. They also do migration temporary in that region so people were prohibited to have family reunions.Even though migration has dropped, emigration has come up six percent over the past ten years (Stephen Castles, 2009). There are about 2. 6 one thousand million people leaving Asia to look for work. In the 21st century over 6 million Asians are employed outside of their own countries within the Asian region. This has grown a great make do since the 1980s and has suspensored the Asian region grow. A lot of Asias were able to find work in the Middle East after the oil prices rose in 1973. This also contributed to the migration and emigration in Vietnam. The referred to these workers as carry labor.The companies that employed them made it clear that they couldnt bring family with them. In the 70s most of the works who migrated were male so the men of the house had to leave their families just to find w ork and provide for them. In the 1980s the economy was ripening so rapidly and fertility was declining it cause a strong demand for labor workers. Even though they in Asia, most of the workers arent Asian. While existing flows from countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines have continued, new source countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma have become more significant (Stephen Castles, 2009).In the 1990s there was a demand for female person person domestic workers that started in the Middle East and then Asia. If women didnt work in the domestic sector they often had the typical female jobs. Some examples of these jobs are entertainers(mostly prostitutes), restaurant and hotel staff, and assembly line workers in clothing or electronics. These jobs were poor paying(a) and had terrible conditions. They were also associated with patriarchal stereotypes of female docility, obedience, and willingness to give personal services (Stephen Castles, 2009).Another big form of female migration in Asia is female migration marriage. Since the 1900s, foreign brides have been sought out by farmers in areas likes Japan and Taiwan. This is one of the only permanent forms of immigration in Asia that is permitted. From the Asian government sand point it seem that these practices with women help their country, but it is sexist and will put the government in a terrible situation with women rights groups. The potpourri in the religion and culture have shaped the Vietnamese people into who they are today.Even though it doesnt play a big part in the economy or government, religion is still a big part of the lives of the Vietnamese citizen. The religion is mixed in with their culture which makes the citizens of Vietnam a pride people. With the ever growing Asian economy Vietnam is in a good place to grow also. Even though the country has had allot of adversity, it has overcome it all. In the future maybe they will work on their womens rights issues and continu e to grow its economy. If that is done I have no doubt that the citizens of Vietnam will be happy and the economy will grow. ?

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