Friday, May 17, 2019

Effects on Relationships Among Adolescents Essay

Chyril Lou T. Caia February 6, 2013 BSAC-I-ACA 921AM Area Exposure I interviewed a woman whose age is 43, single, from Isla Puntod Balulang. She survived the Sendong disaster with the help of God as intimately as opposite people around her. She has many relatives as well as cousins who survived the sending tragedy and luckily no one died in her family when the tragedy occurred. The basic information she gave was that because of the hanging bridge many of her cousins as well as herself survived the occurring tragedy while her clothes as well as the others were already wet and dirty. The tragedy started at about 900 in the evening she said when water levels were increasing up to the calves and were at a safety zone at 200 AM and there she and the group of survivors were taken to Xavier senior high for immediate recovery as well as shelter.Her life before the tragedy was easier she said as well as the way she will cope up in order to forget the tragedy is to work hard and start a ne w life with the blessings God gave her as well as the help that was effrontery to her as well. She also said that if it had not been for the dog that was scratching her face she wouldve been unused because she was asleep sadly the dog died in the tragedy that keep upd her. Now that I have comprehend her story as well as understood what she experienced I now have the perspicacity that the cause of grief and sadness is not because of God but the way we act according to our ways as people living right now because we people take for granted what God has given as such as nature and the living things living in and with nature.We people corrupt because of avarice and other vices and sins and because of this some suffer and if not all of us. While it is unbecoming for us to be more than(prenominal) and more undisciplined because of todays present situation as well as keep distress and poverty of our countrys people we must shed light to the truth in order of us to be saved as well as learn how to become more humanly as well as more understanding and caring for each individuals needs as well as our environment by starting to be more aware of what will observe if we dont pick up our trashes and garbages and recycle them properly.For it has been stated in Isaiah 457 I form the light, and create darkness I make peace, and create evil I the Lord do all these things. What it means for me is that this correlates to Gods people being obedient olibanum God rewards them with prosperity and blessings as well as if the people as disobeying Gods commands as well as his teachings then God will give way to disasters and strife if we disobey and cut through with our disobedience with him. For we people are the stewards of Gods creation and we must do what we can to save ourselves as well as the world.

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