Monday, May 13, 2019

Managing Data Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Data fitting - Essay ExampleIn the task, we listened to a short BBC Radio 4 programme part entitle More or Less. The show is a series about statistics. It discusses the use and abuse of statistics in modern applications. In the show modern media of password communications like TV news, radio news and newspapers, are looked at by people. It majorly tackles statistics involved in these news communication media and after listening to the segment we were required to carry out a number of tasks.First was to listen to the segment attentively and give rise notes on information we got from it. It had no particular area where we had to make notes on, but we were required to put cut down anything important that we retained from the show. This was important since questions from the subject being talked about in the show would be asked. fetching enough and accurate points from the show was, therefore, important since it would determine how one performed on the questions asked after the show. At the close of the show, the class was presented with a couple of questions based on the subject on the segment. One was required to do in accordance to what we heard and put down notes on from the show. The topic was on low efficacy light bulbs, and we were required to answer questions on the subjectBy the end of the workshop, the student was to be able to precisely describe the construction of the table in full. Also, to outline why the tables actor combined discrete pieces of data found in the table. The student was to be able to explain why data collection was done in the offshoot place and what the hypothesis being tested (Ras, 2009).The first task of the workshop was that we were required to form two or three meetings depending on the class size. Then, in each of groups formed we select one student who would work on describing the tabular data. The other members of the group would

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