Thursday, May 30, 2019

Executive Summary Essay -- Economics

Executive Summary-----------------The 2000 were a period of enormous growth, Australian is a prosperousnation has benefited from 9 years of uninterrupted economic growth. However, the international tourist industry was suffer from theterrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the USA on11 September 2001. Overall, the Australian international touristindustry continues to be strong because of the board mix of naturalenvironment and cosmopolitan cities located here, including high-tech,stable international political situation and economic prosperity. In order to increase Australian international tourist industry, Sportand Tourism of Australias Department of Industry, Science andResources must develop a strategic plan to reach more potentialvisitors. With Australia unique natural resources, its appeal to moreAsian travellers come to Australia. Over the past decade, mostvisitors came from the UK, Europe and North America. Now, Australiamust begin some strategies to attrac t more travellers from Asiacountries. This will give Australia the best chance to expandits tourism.IntroductionAlthough Australia has been booming, the world economy has been inrecession for some time. Indeed, Australian tourism is slowlydeclining has been far less than originally expected. Even though theAustralian government strives to sustain growth in the economy withoutdamaging the natural environment, but these improvement do not seem tobe stretchability the travellers its need to influence. Therefore, I amasked to summarise the marco environmental issues affecting AustralianTourism and propose additional strategies that the Sport and Tourismof Australias Department of Industry, Sc... ...ungsingles, suggest a lower price during peak season by effectiveness ofadverting campaigns and promotion in generating more Asian, including Australia and Singapore have established a spliff Tourism Council that will aim to increase international arrivals to both Australia and Singapo re from key markets through a co-operative partnership between the Australian Tourist focus and the Singapore Tourism Board. Most key operators selling Australia have developed websites providing product information, special deals, travel clubs and newsletters and online enquiry response mechanisms. There are 10 major wholesalers/retail agents selling Australian group tour packages, with extensive branch office network of sales point location. These agents are linked with the trinity major carriers Qantas, Cathy Pacific and Singapore Airlines.

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