Saturday, May 4, 2019

Change in milk bacterias and the effect on teenage girls Research Paper

Change in milk bacterias and the effect on teenage girls - Research Paper voiceTo counter this, pasteurisation of milk was discovered to kill a huge flake of diseases causing bacterium. However, pasteurization does not kill every bacterium (Gupta 52). Milk products such as cheese, yoghurt and butter hold up the potential of having some bacteria in them. Their consumption in large numbers is relative to an increase risk of affection. For instance, increased intake milk products correlate with but do not necessarily agent adolescent acne. At this point, it is good to note that milk has two layers ace that contains fat and one that does not. The sebaceous layer has hormones such as progesterone and androgens that stimulate acne. Acne leads to hormonal imbalances and thus abnormal experiences in assure to menstruation (Fox 45). The number of diseases caused by bacteria is large but this paper intends to focus on female genital tuberculosis as one of them. Mycobacterium tuberculos is bacterium causes this disease. A person paroxysm from this disease, experiences the following symptoms abdominal pain from the lower side, oligomenorrhoea, menstrual disorders, infertility, dyspareunia, vaginal discharges, fatigue, pelvic mass, weight loss among umpteen others. The major treatments include surgery and chemotherapy and use of antituberculosis drugs (Zourob et al 22). The false believe that close contact potbelly lead to transmission of the disease has resulted to the victims being stigmatized. The treatment taking sixth months and above is expensive two to the self and to the government. Studies encounter shown that most people who suffer from this disease are young, the working bracket, a decline in the labor force occurs, and a fall in gross domestic product is seen if the number of victims is high like in India. This disease runs over every sphere of the world although the percentages vary. Geographical scattering shows that India has been in the lead fo llowed by Scotland and Saudi Arabia respectively while Australia, USA and Finland have managed less than one percent. The historical perspective has reflected that Africa has been leading in mortality rates resulting from this calamity (Gupta 53). Nations have taken measures on prevention of disease to their nationals. Developing nations have embarked on poverty alleviation methodologies. Poverty dictates poor nutrition, inaccessibility to information, poor housing and welfare and is thus expedient to have measures to reduce and control it. Amongst the strategies is equal scattering of funds, enhancement of the rule of law, providence of social amenities ranging from health centers, schools to administration offices and equity in education. These countries have also embarked in building research centers and funding universities and colleges involved in medical research (Zourob et al 23). These nations through the ministries of health have integrated programs to engage the WHO prog rams that include vaccinations and immunizations. Developed countries have directed their efforts in the formulation and implementation of laws and policies against industrial environmental pollution, production and marketing of genetically modified foods and global melting activities. Both developed and developing countries have formed joint unions to strategize on how to promote the health welfare of their nationals. The World Health Organization (WHO) has held a different position altogether. It advocates for enactment of emergency intervention

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